Public Proxies

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Proxy API Problem

Rapid account: Satindersingh
il y a 10 ans


I’m already a subscriber of your service.

I’m very unhappy with your service, can you please provide me a solution. I just want to access 100 proxies per day but if i open api file then it shows “You have reached your daily subscription limit of 100 proxies today.” again and again.

What is pupose of api if i can’t use it under my host?

Downloading proxies and manaual insertion i can also do from other services too, i used your becuase i want an api access to proxies.

100 proxies must be visible in my api file either i refresh my browser or not. if i didn’t save these 100 that day at my local then i can’t see them again.

Please resolve… I need this for long time


Satinder Singh

Rapid account: Jmillerdesign
jmillerdesign Commented il y a 9 ans

The subscription plans have changed and no longer have limits on the number of proxies you can download.

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