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Comprehensive Guide to File Sharing API: Upload, Share, and Manage Your Documents Easily with FileSharing

**Endpoint Availability:
Currently, our API provides the following endpoint:

/sendgmail: Sends an email with the provided details.
Please note that at this time, only the sendgmail endpoint is available. We are actively working on adding more endpoints to enhance the functionality of our API. Stay tuned for future updates and additions.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to improve and expand our API to meet your needs. If you have any specific requests or suggestions for additional endpoints, please feel free to reach out to our support team. We value your feedback and strive to deliver a comprehensive and versatile API experience.**

1 Introduction to the Email Sending API:
Welcome to the Email Sending API tutorial! In this tutorial, we will explore how to build an API that enables sending emails programmatically. Our API simplifies the process of sending emails, making it easy to integrate email functionality into your applications, websites, or services.

2 Getting Started:
To get started with the Email Sending API, follow these steps:

Authentication and Authorization:
Our API requires authentication to ensure secure email transmission. To authenticate and authorize access to the “sendgmail” endpoint, follow these steps:

Step 1: Generate an App Password for your Gmail Account:
To enable our API to send emails on your behalf, you need to generate an App Password within your Gmail account. This password serves as a secure authentication token for API access. To generate an App Password:

Go to your Gmail account settings.
Navigate to the “Security” section.
Look for the option to generate App Passwords.
Follow the prompts to generate a new App Password specifically for the API.
Make sure to copy the generated App Password as it will be required in your API requests.
Step 2: Include the App Password in Your API Requests:
When making requests to the “sendgmail” endpoint, include the generated App Password in the authentication headers or as part of the request payload. This ensures that the API can securely access your Gmail account and send emails on your behalf.

Sending Emails:
To send an email using the “sendgmail” endpoint, include the following parameters in your API request payload:
“fromemail”: The email address from which the email will be sent.
“toemail”: The recipient’s email address.
“file”: The file attachment to include in the email.
“pwdgenemail”: The generated App Password for authentication.
Error Handling:
While using the API, you may encounter errors or exceptions. Here’s how to handle them:
Check the response status codes and error messages.
Implement proper error handling and provide meaningful error messages to users.
Follow best practices for error recovery and troubleshooting.
API Reference and Documentation:
For detailed information about the “sendgmail” endpoint, request/response formats, and additional features, refer to our official API reference and documentation. You can access the documentation at

Conclusion and Next Steps:
Congratulations! You’ve learned how to use our Email Sending API to send emails programmatically. We encourage you to explore further, experiment with different parameters and options, and refer to our available resources for continued learning and support. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team or join our community forum.