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Repost original author ?

Rapid account: Lq Kj 8 H 85 S Ak
hace 2 meses


sometimes, reposts does not have an actorLink or a navigationUrl field in the “header” block. So it’s hard to know who was the original author of the post (being reposted)
Is it possible to add it systematically or whatever thing that give access to the original author urn ?

I have the impression that this only happens when the original author is a company, but I am not 100%.

Thanks in advance,

Here is an example:
“comments”: [],
“postText”: “Belga News Agency zoekt: Rechtbankverslaggever in Leuven\n#vacature #journalist #correspondent #rechtbank”,
“postLink”: “”,
“linksInPost”: [
“actor”: {
“actorImage”: “”,
“actorDescription”: “5,552 followers”,
“actorName”: “Belga News Agency”,
“actorSubDescription”: "1mo \u2022 ",
“actorLink”: “
“header”: {
“headerImage”: “}”,
“headerNavigationLink”: “”,
“headerText”: “Vlaamse Vereniging van Journalisten reposted this”
“is_repost”: true,
“socialCount”: {
“numLikes”: 4,
“numComments”: 0,
“numShares”: 4,
“reactionTypeCounts”: [
“count”: 3,
“reactionType”: “LIKE”
“count”: 1,
“reactionType”: “EMPATHY”
“postedAt”: “2024-03-04T14:35:14.000Z”,
“postedAgo”: "1mo \u2022 ",
“urn”: “urn:li:activity:7170426572225638400”,
“reactionsUrn”: “urn:li:activity:7170406271475531776”,
“commentsUrn”: “urn:li:fsd_socialDetail:(urn:li:activity:7170406271475531776,urn:li:activity:7170426572225638400,urn:li:highlightedReply:-)”,
“repostsUrn”: “urn:li:activity:7170406271475531776”

Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented hace 2 meses

If you are looking for profileLink ( compay / person ) of reposter, let me make it clear that it is same as your giving in input of API call.

e.g you make an API call to get posts of “”, In cast if a post returned by API is a repost, the reposter url/navigationUrl is “”.

Does that work?

Rapid account: Lq Kj 8 H 85 S Ak
lq-Kj8h85sAk Commented hace 2 meses

Sorry, maybe my request wasn’t clear.

In the example above, ActorLink provide information about the original author of the “post”,
what I am looking for is the author of the repost… It’s generally available in the “header” block.
Here we have the name through header text; “Vlaamse Vereniging van Journalisten reposted this” but not it’s URN.

Is there any way to get the urn of the reposter ?

Thanks in advance,

Rapid account: Mgujjargamingm
mgujjargamingm Commented hace 2 meses

“actorLink”: “” }

actorLink is already there.

Kindly share a realtime profile/company link with us in who’s post actorLink/navigationUrl is missing

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