
Da Denis Raygorodskij | Aggiornamento לפני חודשיים | Communication
Health Check



Fleep Package

Founded by ex-Skypers, Fleep is a messenger for your teams and projects. We take email’s ability to contact anyone and marry it with real-time messaging flow.

  • Domain: fleep.io
  • Credentials: username, password

How to get credentials:

  1. Register on the fleep.io
  2. Use username and password for getting ticket and tokenId in loginAccount endpoint

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Handle user login business logic. If login is successful, it sets session token and returns account info.

Field Type Description
email credentials User email.
password credentials User password.
rememberMe Select Whether user wants long-term session cookie.


Close session.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.


Create new account and send verification email.

Field Type Description
email String User email.
password String Initial password to set.
displayName String Name to be displayed in conversations.
referer String Page that referred used to fleep.
useCode Select Use flow based on registration code.


Trigger registration code email.

Field Type Description
email String User email.
referer String Page that referred used to fleep.
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.


Request password reset email for active account. Password is not reset yet just email with rest token is sent out. User must click on link in email and then enter new passord to rest it.

Field Type Description
email String User email.
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.


Informs backend that given reminder has been show to the user.

Field Type Description
reminderId String Reminder id.
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.


Get list of classificators.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.



   new - email has been registered but is goodness is unknown
   active - user has stored a password and can participate
   banned - user has been banned for some unacceptable activity
   closed - user has requested this account to be closed


Different messages that may come up in our message flow

text - text message written by user
email - message send over email
separator - taskboard separator
create - conversation created.
add - listed members were added to the conversation. Message: members = <list of account_id's>
leave - when member left the conversation
kick - when member is removed from conversation
topic - when someone changed conversation topic. Message:  topic = <topic>
alerts - alert level (never, default)
disclose - user disclosed previous content to members
hook - user created hook for the conversation
unhook - user dropped hook from the conversation
add_team - new team added to the conversation
kick_team - team removed from the conversation
hangout - hangout video call was created
separator - taskboard separator
replace - member replcaced email with alternate email
share - auto join url was enabled for conversation
unshare - auto join url was disabled for conversation
autojoin - member used auto join url to join
delfile - obsolete file delete message


Alerting level for conversation.

never - do not alert for this conversation
default - default behaviour


Notification emails for the user.

default - default behaviour is email participation
daily - email notifications only
never - no emails at all ever


Change account related settings.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
displayName String Name displayed instead of email in chats.
password String New password.
oldPassword String Required when submitting new password.
phoneNumber String User’s phone number.
emailInterval String Email interval.
isFullPrivacy Select Stop sending out reading writing activity.
isNewsletterDisabled Select Enable/disable newsletter sending
isAutomuteEnabled Select Enable/disable incoming email automute.
clientSettings JSON Json encoded dict of changed client settings.
primaryEmail String Set new primary email (it has to be confirmed as alias first).
fleepAddress String Set fleep address (results in error if account already has one).


Confirm receiving email with confirmation code and activate account.

Field Type Description
notificationId String notification token
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.


Confirm receiving email and configure account.

Field Type Description
notificationId String notification token
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
displayName String Display name.
password String User password.
fleepAddress String Fleep address.


Export conversation history. User is notified when files are available for download.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
exportAction String What to export: history_all - conversation history, all file types.
conversationId String If set, generate files for this conversation only,and return ConvInfo else return ContactInfo.


Get External Account Info.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
mkExternalAccountType Select Type of the connected external account.
mkPermissionType Select Type of permissions that external account has granted to Fleep.


Lookup accounts.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
lookupList List List of lookup strings.
ignoreList List List of accountId’s to ignore.


Get notificationId for further requests.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
notificationId String Notification id.
registrationCode String Registration code.
registrationMail String Registration mail.


Set flag for given account that may be used by clients to display or hide content etc.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
clientFlag String Name of the flag to set or clear.
boolValue String Clear given flag from account.


Synchronize pinboard.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
pinWeight String Pin weight.
pinLimit Number Pin limit.


Synchronize taskboard.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
sectionId String Section id.
taskWeight String Task weight from cursor if provided.
taskLimit Number Tasks to synchronize in one batch (between 1 and 100).


Get Trello board list.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
externalAccountId String Id of the external account (see ExternalAccountInfo).
mkPermissionType Select Type of permissions that external account has granted to Fleep.


Unsubscribe for notification.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
notificationId String Id of notification.


Delete current avatar.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.


Upload avatar.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
imageFile String Image for avatar.
contentType String Content-Type of the image.Example - image/jpg.
imageName String Name of the image.


Use long poll to listen for notifications from Fleep.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
eventHorizon Number Latest event client has seen.
wait Select Set to False if you want to get latest events but not stay waiting if there isn’t any.
downloadUrl String url from where to download new binary sent when server decides that client is too old and needs to be upgraded.


Handles long poll server side by storing connection information into connection table by the token.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
eventHorizon Number Latest event client has seen.
wait Select Set to False if you want to get latest events but not stay waiting if there isn’t any.
pollFlags Select Can be used to fine tune polls according to client needs. skip_hidden - skip hidden conversations during initial synchronize. skip_rest - skip other conversations and start polling events used for limiting number of conversations loaded into client cache.


Use it to initialize some information using token.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
eventHorizon Number No point to read historic events either server must return good enough guess so that contacts and conversations will be.
email String Account’s email.
displayName String Account’s display name.
accountId String Account ID.
mkAccountStatus String new - email has been registered but is goodness is unknown;active - user has stored a password and can participate;banned - user has been banned for some unacceptable activity;closed - user has requested this account to be closed;


Get next or previous batch of conversations.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationIds List List of conversation id’s to synchronize.
mkInitMode Select ic_header - header only.ic_tiny - for minimal.ic_full - ready for display.


Add members to the conversation.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Add members to the conversation by id.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.
email String Email address.


Autojoin conversation if not member yet.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationUrlKey String Either convinfo.conversation_id or last part of convinfo.autojoin_url (KEY).


Check if account has modification rights on the conversation. Same check is done in all conversation services so this here mainly helps with testing and documentation at first.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Check permission conversation by id.


Convert conversation to new API.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Convert conversation by id.


Create new conversation.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
topic String Conversation topic.
email String email address.
subject String Subject for first message.
message String Initial message into the conversation.
attachments List List of AttachmentInfos to be added to conversation.
isInvite Select Send out invite emails to fresh fleepers
isAutojoin Select Allow autojoin to the conversation.
isDisclose Select Enable/disable auto disclose.
fwdConversationId String Forwarded conversation id (for forwarding html messages).
teamIds List Add teams to conversation.
accountIds List List of account ids.
forkConversationId String Parent conversation.
isList Select Behaves as mailing list. Set true for group conversations with more than two members as a default.
isManaged Select Is this conversation managed conversation.
mkConvType Select Conversation type.


Create a new (video)call.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
provider String Call service provider (appear.in).
roomName String If not provided, room will have an unique random name.
conversationId String Create video call by conversation id.


Remove conversation from your conversation list. If you don’t leave conversation before deleting it will still reappear when someone writes in it.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Delete conversation by id.


Disclose conversation history to members until given message.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Disclose conversation by id.
emails List List of email addresses like on email To: line.
messageNumber Number Disclose up to this message.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.


Disclose conversation history to members. All content of last membership is disclosed.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Disclose conversation by id.
emails List List of email addresses like on email To: line.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.


Hide conversation until new messages arrives. Useful for people who want to keep their inbox clear.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Hide conversation by id.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.


Leave the conversation.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Leave conversation by id.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.


List all conversations for this account. Same conversations may pop up several times due to shifting order caused by incoming messages. Stop calling when you receive empty conversation list.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
synchronizeHorizon Number Keeps track of conversations loaded set 0 for first call.


Mark conversation as read regardless of how many unread messages there are. Useful for marking read conversations that you are not planning to read. For example error log after it has rolled up thousands of messages. Returns init conversation stream so the client side conversation will be reset to new read position and all the possibly skipped messages will not get misinterpreted.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Leave conversation by id.
mkInitMode Select ic_tiny - for minimal.ic_full - ready for display.


Send poke event, used for testing synchronize between clients.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
messageNumber Number Disclose up to this message.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.
isBgPoke Select Go through bgworker.


Remove members from the conversation.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Leave conversation by id.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.
emails List List of email addresses like on email To: line.


Set conversation alerts.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.
mkAlertLevel Select never - do not alert for this conversation;default - default behaviour.


Change conversation topic.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.
topic String Conversation topic.


Show writing pen and/or pinboard editing status. This works both ways. Any call activates this conversation for this account. So to start receiving activity call with empty parameters.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
messageNumber Number Edited flow or pinboard message number.
isWriting Select true - writing, false - cancel


Store conversation header fields. Store only fields that have changed. Call only when cache is fully synced.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
readMessageNumber Number New read horizon for conversation.
labels List User labels for conversation.
labelIds List User labels for conversation.
topic String Shared topic for conversation.
mkAlertLevel Select never - do not alert for this conversation;default - default behaviour.
snoozeInterval String For how long to snooze conversation in seconds.
addEmail String Email to be added (map to fleep accounts if possible).
removeEmail String Email to be removed (map to fleep accounts if possible).
discloseEmail String Disclose conversation to these user.
addAccountIds List Account ids to be added to the conversation.
kickAccountIds List Account ids to be removed from the conversation with no access to history - only useable with managed conversations.
removeAccountIds List Account ids to be removed from the conversation.
discloseAccountIds List Disclose conversation to these users.
hideMessageNumber Number Hide the conversation from this message number.
isDeleted Select Set to true to delete the conversation.
isDeletedByAdmin Select Delete by admin (affects all members).
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.
isAutojoin Select Enable disable auto join.
isDisclose Select Enable/disable auto disclose.
canPost Select Set to false to leave the conversation.
isUrlPreviewDisabled Select Don’t show url previews for all users.
isList Select Behaves as mailing list.
addTeamIds List Add teams to conversation.
removeTeamIds List Remove teams from conversation.
isManaged Select Is this conversation managed conversation.
addAdmins List Add conversation admins. Allow settingi non organisation admins as admins for conv.
removeAdmins List Remove conversation admins.
mkConvType Select Change conversation email behavior.


Synchronize state for single conversation. If used with default values 5 messages before and after last reported readMessageNumber are returned. Also all conversation state are returned: PinInfo, memberInfo. All optional fields (o) are returned for first synchronize. After that these are included only when there have been changes. Changes are detected from system messages in message flow.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
fromMessageNumber Number Earliest message number client has received or previous messages are read and returned.
mkDirection Select mkDirection select.
Params list for mkDirection field.
  1. ic_header - return only conversation header.
  2. ic_tiny - do minimal init conversation returns only inbox message and header.
  3. ic_full - do full initi conversation returns inbox message and several messages before and after current read horizon and several pins and several files.
  4. ic_flow - get flow fragment returns several messages before and after given from_message_nr or current read horizon if from message nr not given.
  5. ic_end - get flow fragment from the end of all available content.
  6. ic_backward - get flow fragment before given message.
  7. ic_forward - get flow fragment after given message only visible messages are returned so not suitable for syncing cached conversation (edits will be lost).
  8. ic_files - get only messages with files.
  9. ic_pinboard - get only shared messages.
  10. ic_tasks -get only archeved task messages.
  11. - default behaviour get sequential messages forward. Returns all flow messages even non visible ones like edits of older messages.


Synchronize state for single conversation. Used to fetch messages for backward scroll.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
fromMessageNumber Number Earliest message number client has received or previous messages are read and returned.


Synchronize pinboard for conversation where it was not fully sent with init.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
fromMessageNumber Number Earliest message number client has received or previous messages are read and returned.


Synchronize teams.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
teamIds List Add teams to conversation.


Bring conversation out of hiding.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
fromMessageNumber Number Earliest message number client has received or previous messages are read and returned.


Unsubscribe from conversation.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
email String Email address to remove from conversation.


Copy message from another chat.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
messageNumber Number Number of pinned message.
toConversationId String Destination conversation.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.


Delete message from conversation.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Leave conversation by id.
messageNumber Number Number of pinned message.
attachmentId String Delete only given attachment.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.


Edit conversation message.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
messageNumber Number Number of pinned message.
message String Message content.
attachments List List of AttachmentInfo objects(see in readme) to be added.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.


Set conversation read horizon for this account. Used when client determines that it has shown messages to user for long enough for them to get read or user wants to move read horizon up again.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
messageNumber Number Client read horizon. Last message number that we have shown to user. We update database and send notifications to other connected clients if it is larger than current value in database.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.


Send message to flow.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
message String Message content.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.
isRetry Select Client is retrying same message send n’th time. Will fail if fromMessageNumber != lastMessageNumber.
attachments List List of attachment urls.


Store message changes whatever they are. Do changes in local cache and send only changed fields.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation id.
message String Message content.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.
forwardedConversationId String Forwarded conversation id (for forwarding html messages).
forwardedMessageNumber String Forwarded message number (for forwarding html messages).
isUrlPreviewDisabled Select Disable generating url previews for this message and remove if generated.
isRetry Select Client is retrying same message send n’th time. Will fail if fromMessageNumber != lastMessageNumber.
messageNumber Number Message number for edits and deletes.
pinWeight Number Used for sorting.
CrapNetId Number CrapNet id for message.
attachments List List of attachment urls.
assigneeIds List Assignees for task or message.
tags List List of tags for message;pin - pinned message;is_todo - task incomplete;is_done - done task;is_separator - task separator;is_deleted - message deleted;is_archived - pin or task archived;
addReactions List Reactions to add.
deleteReactions List Reactions to remove.
subject String Subject for first message.


Set conversation read horizon for this account. Used when client determines that it has shown messages to user for long enough for them to get read or user wants to move read horizon up again.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Limit search to one conversation.
needSuggestions Select Request suggestion list.
keywords List Query search for content.
ignoreConversationIds List Client side matches no need to search duplicate matches.
searchTypes List Do only search in specific areastopic - topic search only;chat - search in message content; file - search in file names; pin - search in pins;task - search in tasks.subject - search in email subjects;


Load current user’s index data to cache.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.


Drop user’s index from cache.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.


Suggest words.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
keywords List Query search for suggest words.
conversationId String Limit search to one conversation.


Provide description for the contact that will be displayed only to the user.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
contactId String Contact id.
contactName String Description to set.
phoneNumber String Set users phone number.


Hide contacts from this user’s contactlist.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
contactIds List List of contacts to hide.


Import contacts into users contactlist. Used for gmail contact import.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
contacts List List of ContactImport objects(see ContactInfo output below).


Returns profile data for given id. Use it to update local client side cache.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
contactIds List List of contactIds to synchronize.


Synchronize last seen time for requested contacts.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
contactIds List List of account ids to synchronize.


Returns profile data for all. Use it to update local client side cache.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
searchString String Returns profile data for given list of id’s. Use it to update local client side cache.
ignoreIds List List of account ids client already has.


Returns profile data for given list of id’s. Use it to update local client side cache.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
contactsIds List List of account ids to synchronize.


Remove contact from conversation list dialog suggestions.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
contactsId String Account id to synchronize.


Upload one or more files. File upload url-s can be used in message API calls storeMessage and sendMessage as attachments parameter.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
file File Input field for files.
contentType String Content-Type of the file.Example - image/jpg.
fileName String Name of the file.Example - file.jpeg


Add file into Fleep from an external source. Maximum allowed file size is 1GB. Upload request is put into queue and processed by a background job. Upload progress events are sent to the client during the upload process.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
fileUrl String Input field for files.
fileName String Name for files.
fileSize String max 1073741824.
fileOrigin String From where the file originates (Dropbox, Google Drive, Giphy, …).
conversationId String Needed, if file is related to a conversation.
uploadId String Upload id in client side.


Register email aliases for given account. Requires confirmation through email. All conversations are transferred under primary account as a result.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
email String Email to be registered as alias.


Confirm that alias email received confirmation code.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
notificationId String Notification id.


Remove email alias from given account.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
email String Email to be removed.


Fetch all aliases for given account. Used for displaying aliases in UI.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.


Change webhook name and/or other settings.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
hookKey String Hook key.
hookName String Name for hook.
outgoingUrl String URL for outgoing messages only relevant for plain and slack hooks.
outgoingDisabled Select Whether outgoing URL functionality is disabled or not only relevant for plain and slack hooks.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.


Create webhook for given conversation.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
hookType Select Select hook type.
hookName String Name for hook.
outgoingUrl String URL for outgoing messages only relevant for plain and slack hooks.
outgoingDisabled Select Whether outgoing URL functionality is disabled or not only relevant for plain and slack hooks.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.
externalAccountId String Id of the external account (see ExternalAccountInfo)only relevant for trello.
externalObjectId String Id of the object in external system that should be hooked only relevant for trello (board id).
conversationId String Conversation by id.


Remove webhook from conversation.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
hookKey String Key used as identifier.
fromMessageNumber Number Used to return next batch of changes.
conversationId String Conversation by id.


Show webhooks in conversation.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
conversationId String Conversation by id.


Autojoin team if not member yet. Autojoin url has following format https://fleep.io/team/KEY

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
teamUrlKey String Either teaminfo.team_id or last part of teaminfo.autojoin_url (KEY).


Add or remove members and change team name.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
team_name String Team name.
addEmail String Email to be added to team.
removeEmail String Email to be removed from team.
addConversations List List of conversation id’s to add.
removeConversations List List of conversation id’s to remove.
addAccountIds List List of account ids to be added to team.
removeAccountIds List List of account ids to be removed from team.
kickAccountIds List List of account ids to be kicked from team , together with confistacion of managed history.
addAdminIds List Add team admins.
removeAdminIds List Remove team admins.
isAutojoin Select Is autojoin enabled.
isManaged Select Set team managed or not.


Create team with given members and conversations.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
teamName String Team name.
addEmails String Email to be added to team.
addConversations List List of conversation id’s to add.
addAccountIds List List of account ids to be added to team.
isAutojoin Select Is autojoin enabled.
isManaged Select Set team managed or not.


Remove team.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
teamId String Team id.


Synchronize team.

Field Type Description
ticket String Must be sent as parameter to all subsequent api calls.
tokenId String Token id from loginAccount endpoint.
teamId String Team id.
conversationId String ConversationId to prove team access.

#Info about object from method response.


mk_rec_type         text = 'activity'
   conversation_id     text            - Conversation
   account_id          text            - Who is writing
   is_writing          boolean (o)     - true - writing, false - cancel
   read_message_nr     bigint (o)      - read horizon for this user
   join_message_nr     bigint (o)      - messsage_nr from which user sees the conversation
   activity_time       bigint          - when this activity happend


   organisation_id                 uuid
   country_code                    text
   billing_details                 text
   billing_email                   text
   vat_number                      text
   plan_id                         text
   account_quantity                integer
   payment_method_image_url        text
   payment_method_description      text
   payment_method_expiration_date  text
   subscription_status             text                    - empty or "confirmed"
   discount                        numeric                 - discount % between 0 and 1 (where applicable)
   next_billing_date               bigint


   account_id          text                - Account ID
   email               text (o)            - Account email
   display_name        text (o)            - name to be displayed in conversations
   mk_account_status   text                - See Classificators
   is_hidden_for_add   boolean (o)         - can this contact be shown when adding contacts
   mk_email_interval   text (o)            - filled only if requester account_id matches
   avatar_urls         text (o)            - json contains urls to avatar thumbnails
   contact_name        text (o)            - Contact name visible only to contactlist owner
   phone_nr            text (o)            - Phone phone nr visible only to contactlist owner
   client_flags        text (o)            - List of flag names that are true for client
   is_full_privacy     boolean (o)         - true if don't want to send and receive
                                             conversation read level and writing status
   activity_time       bigint (o)          - when user send or read something in fleep
   dialog_id           text (o)            - id of the latest dialog with this user
   alias_account_ids   text[] (o)          - for owner account only list of it's alias account ids
   trial_end_time      integer (o)         - time whne trial ends, 0 for premium users
   fleep_address       text (o)            - users fleep id
   is_newsletter_disabled  boolean (o)     - enable/disbale newsetter sending
   sort_rank           integer (o)         - show higher ranking contacts on top when filtering
   export_progress     float (o)           - history export progress, between 0 (started) and 1 (ready)
   export_files        text[] (o)          - list of JSON encoded export files
   client_settings     text (o)            - JSON encoded client settings
   has_password        boolean (o)         - Has user set password (or using google single sign in)
   is_premium          boolean (o)         - Owner only. True if premium user.
   full_name           text (o)            - Users own display name (without my modifications)
   is_automute_enabled boolean (o)         - Owner only. Are incoming emails from new sources automuted
   connected_email     text (o)            - Email linking email address if set
   activated_time      bigint (o)          - when user account was activated (email confirmed)
   organisation_id     uuid (o)            - contact is active member of this organisation
   organisation_name   text (o)            - name of the organisation contact is in
   is_org_admin        boolean (o)         - is user admin of the organisation
   storage_used_bytes  integer (o)         - number of bytes used in users file storage
   storage_quota_bytes integer (o)         - number of bytes allowed for user storage


mk_rec_type                 text = 'conv'
mk_init_mode                text            - ic_header - just header
                                              ic_tiny - minimal init
                                              ic_full - full init
conversation_id             text            - mostly needed for conversation create case
creator_id                  text            - id of the account who created the conversation
join_message_nr             bigint          - message_nr when member was added to the conversation
                                              Useful for determining if backward scroll is still possible
read_message_nr             bigint          - Current truth about read horizon. Normally it only
                                              increased but sometimes user may mark some messages
my_message_nr               bigint          - next message that mentions me
show_message_nr             bigint          - number of latest visible message
last_message_nr             bigint          - last message nr in the conversation or last message
                                              that is shown in case of leaving conversation
inbox_message_nr            bigint          - point to the message to be displayed in conversation list
delete_message_nr           bigint          - content before that message has been deleted by user
disclose_message_nr         bigint          - earliest disclose done for this use
can_post                    boolean         - true if profile is still in conevrsation
                                              and can post to this conversation
topic                       text            - topic. Returned when changed
members                     text[]          - list of account ids who are currently joined
leavers                     text[]          - list of account ids who have left conversation
guests                      text[]          - list of account ids who are addes as guests
admins                      text[]          - list of account ids who are admins in managed conversation
last_message_time           bigint          - unix timestamp of last message in flow
mk_alert_level              text            - should alerting from this conversation be supressed
file_horizon                bigint          - used in case all files are not sent during init
                                              pass it to api/conversation/sync_files call as
pin_horizon                 bigint          - used in case all pins are not sent during init
                                              pass it to api/conversation/sync_pinboard call as
task_horizon                bigint          - used to sync all tasks including archived tasks to client
hide_message_nr             bigint          - if conversation last message nr is equal or smaller than
                                              hide message nr then conversation is to be hidden in client
fw_message_nr               bigint          - when syncing conversation forward mesage nr shows
                                              forward progress and all is synced when it equals last_message_nr
bw_message_nr               bigint          - when syncing conversation backward message nr shows
                                              backward progress and all is synced when it equals join_message_nr
unread_count                bigint          - number of unread messages in conversation
last_inbox_nr               bigint          - inbox number of last alerting inbox message. Can be used locally
                                              to reduce unread count while server asyncronously does the same
inbox_time                  bigint          - weight of the conversation for sorting in conversation list
                                              and left menu
is_deleted                  boolean         - If set to true by server conversation must be deleted from
                                              client cache.
is_tiny                     boolean         - stream contains minimal amount of information needed for displaying
                                              conversation in list
is_init                     boolean         - server requests cache reset for this conversation. Used for changes
                                              like disclose and rejoin
teams                       text[]          - list of team id's that are part of this conversation
labels                      text[]          - labels user has for this conversation
label_ids                   uuid[]          - Account label id's for this conversation
cmail                       text            - conversation email address, sending email to this address
                                              posts message in the conversation
snooze_interval             bigint          - For how long to snooze conversation in seconds
is_premium                  boolean         - At least one member is premium user
has_pinboard                boolean         - Conversation has content on pinboard
has_taskboard               boolean         - Conversation has conetnt on taskboard
has_task_archive            boolean         - Conversation has archived tasks
has_email_subject           boolean         - Message entry area should show email subject
is_autojoin                 boolean         - Is autojoin enabled
autojoin_url                text            - Url that can be used to autojoin conversation
client_req_id               uuid            - last req id to change this conversation if changed
                                              using conversation store api call
is_mark_unread              boolean         - true if last read activity was mark unread
is_url_preview_disabled     boolean         - Don't show url previews for this message
is_disclose                 boolean         - Is disclosed to new joiners
is_automute                 boolean         - Is this conversation automatically muted on creation
default_topic               text            - Topic to be shown when user has not enterd it
default_members             text[]          - list of account id's used to create default topic
export_progress             float (o)       - history export progress, between 0 (started) and 1 (ready)
export_files                text[] (o)      - list of JSON encoded export files

mk_conv_type                text            - 'cct_list' / 'cct_default' / 'cct_no_mail'
is_list                     boolean         - If set to true list behavior is enabled else set to false
is_managed                  boolean         - is this conversation managed
organisation_id             uuid            - organisation who has claimed management of this conversation
pin_cursor                  text            - Cursor for pinboard sync


mk_rec_type                 text = 'external_account'
external_account_id         uuid                        - record id
account_id                  uuid                        - account owner
mk_external_account_type    text                        - type of the connected account:
external_id                 text                        - account id in the external system
email                       text                        - email in the external system


mk_rec_type         text = 'file'
conversation_id     text            - conversation where this file is
message_nr          bigint          - message to which file is attached
account_id          text            - Author ID
attachment_id       text            - key assign by client in message
file_sha256         text            - file hash, can be used to identify same files
file_name           text            - file name
file_url            text            - file url
file_size           bigint          - File size in bytes
file_type           text            - server validated file type
height              integer         - height for pictures
width               integer         - width for pictures
is_animated         boolean         - is animated gif
thumb_url_XX        text            - thumbail url for size XX
is_deleted          boolean         - filled when file is removed from message
is_hidden           boolean         - True, if file is an inline image inside of a quote or signature
deleter_id          text            - User who deleted file. If present message should
                                      be shown in message flow.
posted_time         bigint          - unix timestamp in seconds
orientation         bigint          - file orientation, for images
sender_name         text            - sender name if from email or hook


mk_rec_type             text = 'hook'
conversation_id         uuid            - Conversation
account_id              uuid            - Creator of the hook
hook_name               text            - Hooks display name in chat. If not provided
                                          owners display name is used
hook_key                text            - Used for removing th hook
hook_url                text            - Url that can be used to send data into chat
                                          filled only for the owner
is_active               boolean         - is this hook currently active or for
                                          historical data
mk_hook_type            text            - bitbucket, confluence, github, gitlab, ifttt, jira, newrelic,
                                          pivotaltracker, plain (generic webhook), sameroom, slack, trello,
avatar_urls             text            - Avatar displayed for hook messages
outgoing_url            text (o)        - URL that can be used to send out messages from this chat
                                          filled only for the owner
outgoing_disabled       boolean (o)     - whether outgoing functionality is disabled or not
                                          filled only for the owner when outgoing_url is present
outgoing_disable_reason text (o)        - the reason why outgoing functionality is disabled
                                          filled only for the owner when outgoing_disabled is true


mk_rec_type text = ‘label’ label text – Label name label_id text – label id index bigint – Label index (-1 -> remove label) mk_label_type text – Label type (user_label/system_label)

system labels cannot be renamed or deleted
mk_label_subtype text – more finegrained label type
user - user starred - starred conversations recent - recent inbox conversations muted - muted conversations archived - archived conversatione unread - unread conversations spam - conversations marked as spam team_label - label for team conversations
mk_label_status text – active / revoved
removed labels should be dropped from cache
is_on_left_pane boolean – should label be shown on left pane is_in_recent boolean – are conversations with this label shown

in RECENT section on left pane cannot be changed for system labels
is_in_muted boolean – are conversations with this label shown
in MUTED section on left pane cannot be changed for system labels
sync_inbox_time bigint – inbox time until which synced or 0 if in the end sync_conversation_id text – conversation id inside inbox time for ordering sync_cursor text – cursor for fetching next batch team_id text – team id for team labels


mk_rec_type         text = 'lastseen'
account_id          text            - Who is writing
activity_time       bigint          - when this activity happend


mk_rec_type         text = 'lock'
conversation_id     text            - mostly needed for conversation create case
message_nr          bigint          - message sequence number in message flow
lock_account_id     text (o)        - who is locking message for editing


mk_rec_type text = ‘mail’

mail_id uuid – mail record id

mail_address text – mail address

smtp_username text – smtp username smtp_host text – smtp host smtp_port bigint – smtp port mk_smtp_connection text – ‘ssl’/’starttls’ smtp_err text = None – smtp error smtp_disable_tls_verify bool

imap_username text – imap username imap_host text – imap host imap_port bigint – imap port mk_imap_connection text – ‘ssl’ / ‘starttls’ imap_err text = None – imap error imap_disable_tls_verify bool

mk_mail_type text – ‘mail’ / ‘gmail’ mk_mail_status text – ‘mail_add’ / ‘mail_failed’ / ‘mail_confirmed’ / ‘mail_removed’


mk_rec_type                 text = 'message'
mk_msg_sub_type             text            - for future use, more finegrained message type handling
conversation_id             text            - mostly needed for conversation create case
message_nr                  bigint          - message sequence number in message flow
subject                     text            - optional subject used for outgoing emails
message                     text            - message body - XML.
marked_text                 text            - used in search result to highlight marked text
account_id                  text            - Author ID
mk_message_type             text            - see Classificators
flow_message_nr             bigint          - In case this message is edit or delete of one of the earlier messages
revision_message_nr         bigint          - Latest visible revision
posted_time                 bigint          - unix timestamp in seconds
pin_weight                  numeric         - may be filled for pin messages
                                              apply only if filled
ref_message_nr              bigint          - used by messages that need ot reference other
                                              messages like unpin message fro example
edit_account_id             text            - ref to message revisor, normally same as author but
                                              may be different for pinned messages and files
edited_time                 bigint          - message edit time
tags                        text[]          - list of message flags. Possible values:
                                                pin - message is on pinboard
                                                is_todo - message is task
                                                is_done - message is task that has been completed
                                                is_separator - separator for tasks
                                                is_archived - message has been archived
                                                is_deleted - message has been delete
                                                is_new_sheet - this msg starts new sheet
                                                is_hidden - do not render message in flow
                                                is_edited_by_others - someone has edited this message
lock_account_id             text            - in case pin is locked for editing
inbox_nr                    bigint          - inbox number of message. Only alerting messages are
                                              assigned inbox numbers. So last_inbox_nr - inbox_nr
                                              should give number of alerting messages.
                                              Negative values point to previous inbox number from
                                              this message.
hook_key                    text            - filled if message was sent via hook
prev_message_nr             bigint          - number of previous visible message
is_new_sheet                boolean         - start new sheet in message flow
sender_name                 text            - Name of sender provided by hook or some other source
assignee_ids                uuid[]          - People assigned to this task or message
is_url_preview_disabled     boolean         - Don't show url previews for this message
on_behalf_id                text            - used for emails when email is sent by another user
marked_text                 text            - used with search. Search marks matches in message text
mk_message_state            text            - current message state
section_id                  uuid            - task section id
is_spam                     boolean         - message is marked as spam
is_edited_by_others         boolean         - non author has edited the message
pinned_account_id           uuid            - account that pinned the message
tasked_account_id           uuid            - account that tasked the message


mk_rec_type             text = 'org_member'
organisation_id         uuid
account_id              uuid
mk_member_status        text                -- See Business Memeber Status belo
                                            -- bms_pending - waiting user accept
                                            -- bms_active - in use or ready for it
                                            -- bms_removed - released from org
                                            -- bms_closed - account closed
                                            -- bms_suspended - suspended by admin
                                            -- bms_declined - user declined
                                            -- bms_expired - invitation expired
is_admin                boolean             -- true if user is admin


mk_rec_type             text = 'org_header'
organisation_id         uuid
organisation_founder_id uuid
organisation_name       text
avatar_urls             text
version_nr              bigint
status                  text
trial_time              bigint
grace_time              bigint
is_admin                boolean
is_member               boolean             -- is current user member of the organisation
invoice_payments        boolean             -- is organisation using invoice payments


mk_rec_type         text = 'preview'
conversation_id     text            - conversation where this file is
message_nr          bigint          - message to which file is attached
account_id          text            - Author ID
attached_url        text            - url being previewed
title               text            - Title extracted from source
description         text            - Descrition extracted from source
file_sha256         text            - file hash, can be used to identify same files
file_name           text            - file name
file_url            text            - file url
file_size           bigint          - File size in bytes
file_type           text            - server validated file type
height              integer         - height for pictures
width               integer         - width for pictures
is_animated         boolean         - is animated gif
thumb_url_XX        text            - thumbail url for size XX
is_deleted          boolean         - filled whne file is removed from message
deleter_id          text            - User who deleted file. If present message should
                                      be shown in message flow.                                    


mk_rec_type             text = 'reminder'
reminder_id             uuid
account_id              uuid
mk_reminder_type        text
remind_time             bigint
expire_time             bigint
organisation_id         uuid
is_active               boolean
creator_id              uuid          -- who submitted reminder if not the author


mk_rec_type         text = 'request'
client_req_id       uuid            - Client request has been processed and all data changes
                                      are commited into database and they have all been
                                      sent through poll also
conversation_id     uuid (o)        - Conversation changed by request
result_message_nr   bigint (o)      - Message that was created or modified with this request


mk_rec_type             text = 'section'
conversation_id         uuid                             - Conversation id
section_id              uuid                             - Section id
name                    text                             - Section name
mk_section_type         text                             - Section type
mk_section_subtype      text                             - Section subtype
is_deleted              boolean                          - Is section deleted
weight                  float                            - Section weight
sync_cursor             text                             - Cursor for sync dependent on mk_section_type


mk_rec_type text = ‘smtp’ – smtp_id uuid – SMTP record id smtp_address text – SMTP email address smtp_username text – SMTP username smtp_host text – SMTP host smtp_port bigint – user specified SMTP port (may be None) smtp_connection text – ‘ssl’ / ‘starttls’ mk_smtp_status text – SMTP record status

– smtp_added: record added but not confirmed – smtp_failed: record failed – smtp_confirmed: record confirmed – smtp_removed: record removed
smtp_status_description text – human readable status descropion
– most notably used to deliver error messages – when the record has failed


mk_rec_type         text = 'team'
team_id             uuid            - Id for team used in conversation heder to map all the teams
                                      that are part of the conversation
mk_sync_mode        text            - 'tsm_full' / 'tsm_snapshot' current or snapshot version of
                                      the team
team_version_nr     bigint          - Version number of the team record
team_name           text    (o)     - Name of the team
members             text[]  (o)     - List of account_id's who are part of the team
admins              text[]  (o)     - List of account_id's who can change team membership
is_deleted          boolean         - Whether the team is deleted
is_tiny             boolean         - Whether it is the full record or not (is_tiny is used to
                                      to sync limited data to non members)
is_autojoin         boolean (o)     - Is autojoin enabled
organisation_id     text    (o)     - Organisation in case of managed teams
autojoin_url        text            - Autojoin url to join team
is_managed          boolean         - is this a managed team


mk_rec_type                     text = 'transaction'
organisation_id                 uuid
transaction_id                  uuid
amount                          numeric
transaction_time                bigint
download_url                    text


mk_rec_type         text = 'upload'
status              text                - 'pending, 'success' or 'failure'
progress            integer             - between 0 and 100, given if status is 'pending'
conversation_id     text                - conversation related to the upload request
request_id          text                - upload request id given by server
upload_id           text                - upload id given by client
file_type           text                - server validated file type
name                text                - file name
size                bigint              - file size
file_sha256         text                - file hash, can be used to identify same files
height              integer             - height for pictures
width               integer             - width for pictures
is_animated         boolean             - is animated gif
upload_url          text
error               text                - error description, given if status is 'failure'
Follower: 2
Sito web del prodotto
Creatore dell'API:
Rapid account: Denis Raygorodskij
Denis Raygorodskij
Accedi per valutare l'API
Valutazione: 5 - Voti: 1