Japanese Text Analysis

Da Régis Lemaigre | Aggiornamento 25 days ago | Text Analysis

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Régis Lemaigre
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Example queries you can try out

Ten most frequent kanji and for each kanji the three most frequent words where the kanji is used.

query tenMostFrequentKanji {
  kanjis(limit: 10) {
    readings {
    wordsContaining (limit: 3) {
      entries {
        senses {

Analysis of a sentence. Breaks down the text into tokens.

query analysis {
  analysis(text: "昨日すき焼きを食べました") {
    tokens {
      entry {
        word {
        senses {
      characters {
        ... on Kanji {
          reading_stats {

Example of SVG images for kanji and kana

Calligraphy :

Stroke order :


type Query {
    # Returns one kanji. You can either provide the character you want data for, or the ranking of a character
    # (for example 1 means the most frequent kanji).
    kanji(literal: String, ranking: Int): Kanji

    # Returns several kanji. You can either provide the characters you want data for, or a limit (for example 10 means
    # the 10 most frequent kanji).
    kanjis(literals: [String], limit: Int): [Kanji]

    # Returns one word. You can either provide the word you want data for, or the ranking of a word
    # (for example 1 means the most frequent word).
    word(literal: String, ranking: Int): Word

    # Returns several words. You can either provide the words you want data for, or a limit (for example 10 means
    # the 10 most frequent words).
    words(literals: [String], limit: Int): [Word]

    # Breaks down the text into a sequence of tokens. Each token represents a chunk of text and the corresponding word
    # (or null if the text isn't a word, like a comma or spaces).
    analysis(text: String): [Token]

    # Same as above, but for multiple texts.
    analyses(texts: [String]): [[Token]]

type Token {
    text: String
    word: Word

interface Character {
    literal: String
    calligraphy_svg: String

type Kanji implements Character {
    # The character itself.
    literal: String

    # Unicode number of the character.
    codepoint: String

    # Frequency of the character in novels.
    frequency: Float

    grade: String
    jlpt: String
    meanings: [String]
    radical: String

    # Index of the character in the sequence of all kanji sorted by frequency descending.
    ranking: Int

    readings: Readings

    # Readings of the character, each reading with the percentage of words into which it appears.
    reading_stats: [ReadingStat]

    stroke_count: String

    # An SVG image of the character.
    calligraphy_svg: String

    # An SVG images that represent the stroke order.
    stroke_order_svg: String

    # The words containing the character, sorted by most frequent first.
    wordsContaining(limit: Int): [Word]

type Readings {
    kun: [String]
    on: [String]

type ReadingStat {
    type: ReadingType
    romaji: String

    # Percentage of words this reading is used into.
    count: Float

    # Percentage of words this reading is used into, weighted by word frequency so if the reading appears in a very
    # frequent word, it has a higher percentage.
    weighted: Float

enum ReadingType {

type Kana implements Character {
    # The character itself.
    literal: String

    # An SVG image of the character.
    calligraphy_svg: String

type Word {
    # The word itself.
    literal: String!

    # Frequency of the word in novels.
    frequency: Float

    # Dictionary entries, on entry by reading.
    entries: [Entry]

    # Sequence of kanji and kana used in the word.
    characters: [Character]

type Entry {
    # Reading that defines this entry
    reading: String

    # An array of hiragana string, one entry by character in the word, for kanji the entry contains the reading.
    furigana: [String]

    # An array of sense, each sens is a meaning of the word.
    senses: [Sense]

    # Number of translations. Can give an idea of the importance of the entry compared to others.
    translationsNumber: Int

type Sense {
    # Example sentences.
    examples: [Example]

    # Part of speech.
    pos: [String]

    translations: [String]

type Example {
    en: String
    jp: String