QR-Code Download

Da Dhruvil Shah | Aggiornamento 2๋‹ฌ ์ „ | Other
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The QR code generator API is a web-based service that allows users to generate a QR code image for any data string. The API is built using the Flask framework in Python and has two endpoints: / and /generate_qr. The homepage provides information about the API and allows users to navigate to the QR code generation page, while the /generate_qr endpoint generates a QR code image for the provided data string.

This endpoint returns the homepage of the QR code generator API. The homepage provides information about the API and allows users to navigate to the QR code generation page.

GET /generate_qr
This endpoint generates a QR code image for the data string provided as a query parameter.

Query Parameters
The data string to be encoded in the QR code.
The response is a PNG image file containing the QR code image. The image can be saved on the local machine using the option provided in the response.

Hereโ€™s an example of how to use the QR code generator API:

Copy code
GET http://localhost:5000/generate_qr?data=https://www.example.com
This GET request will generate a QR code image for the data string https://www.example.com. The response will contain the QR code image file, with the option to save the image on the local machine.

The QR code generator API is a convenient and simple way to encode data as a QR code image. It is useful for encoding data such as website URLs, contact information, or any other data that needs to be stored in a compact and easily scannable form.

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Creatore dell'API:
Rapid account: Dhruvil Shah
Dhruvil Shah
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