Solver for Captcha with Sliding and Rotating Objects

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endpoint test

Rapid account: Aymanhemdan 1
un mese fa

I am writing to report a recurring issue Iโ€™ve encountered while interacting with your CAPTCHA solving service. I have been testing the endpoint for solving three different types of CAPTCHAs and consistently receiving a 500 Server Error in response to my requests.

Hereโ€™s a brief outline of the problem:

Issue: Every attempt to test the endpoint results in a 500 Server Error.
Endpoint Tested:
Error Message: "500 Server Error"
Frequency: The issue occurs with every request.

I have verified the request format and payload on my end, ensuring compliance with the API documentation. However, the error persists, and I am unable to proceed with my testing and integration tasks.

Could you please investigate this matter? Any insights into the cause of this error or suggested actions on my part would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, if there are any server logs or error details that I could provide that would assist in diagnosing the issue, please let me know.

I am keen to resolve this as swiftly as possible and am open to any suggestions or discussions that might expedite a solution.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,


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