Shazam Core

Da Tipsters CO | Aggiornamento 9 दिन पहले | Music

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Error 404

Rapid account: Heighties
11 दिन पहले

Hi. For few days I’ve had this error :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

while everything worked before.
Does anyone know why?
Thank you for your answers.

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented 9 दिन पहले

World chart - It works. Check this out
422 - Might be worth reading the description of the error. - you didn’t set the necessary parameters.

Rapid account: Heighties
heighties Commented 9 दिन पहले

Hi, now I have this error : 422 Unprocessable Entity・

Rapid account: Tipsters
tipsters Commented 9 दिन पहले

Hello! Now ok.
Regards. Tipsters.

Rapid account: So 2 F
So2f Commented 11 दिन पहले

Hi, same problem here I don’t know if it could be because of that or not but it seems the example : doesnt work anymore, but: works, so maybe we have to change the api url call but i dont think we can do that

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