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curl got 0 elements

Rapid account: Behinder
7 वर्ष पहले

I am doing this in terminal:
curl --get --include ‘{query}-!1900,2017-!0,5-!0,10-!0-!Movie-!Any-!Any-!gt0-!{downloadable}&t=ns&cl=392&st=adv&ob=Relevance&p=2&sa=and’
-H ‘X-Mashape-Key:’
-H 'Accept: application/json’
i want page 2 of the results and instead i got 0. the query string is copied from documentation

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

closing as query is resolved

Rapid account: Behinder
Behinder Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

Thank you! 😃

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

this should do it:


Just increment the ‘p’ value e.g. p=1,p=2,p=3

Rapid account: Behinder
Behinder Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

I need to fetch all the titles in polish netflix, but there are page pased so i need to iterate and do some approx 20 queries like above.
downloable parameter to be blank and query to be blank 😃

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

Let me know what you are trying to do and I will help you with the query…

I really need to re-write the endpoint to make it more user friendly, hopefully this year.

Rapid account: Behinder
Behinder Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

Ups…what a mistake…I deleted the key.
The thing is such query when tested on UNOGS page works 😃

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

closing this ticket to bury it

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

Thanks Maft!

Behinder, please delete the key from your comment!

Also, you can leave query blank as well to dump everything… (just remove {query})

Rapid account: Ma Ft
MaFt Commented 7 वर्ष पहले

Don’t share your API key in public!!!

I could use that now if I wanted to…

Anyway: {downloadable} needs to be ‘yes’, ‘no’ or left blank
{query} needs to be a search string

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