Rapid account: Strata Consulting LLC

Strata Consulting LLC / strataconsultingllc


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This bug has been fixed. The image URLs that are returned by newsAPI will now look something like this: `news.google.com/attachments/CC8iK0NnNVRPVWxVTFhsQlFtaHFTRjlIVFJERUF4aW5CU2dLTWdhQjBJcnlVQVU` One thing to note is that Google News recently changed the way it links to images, so this URL will end up redirecting to the actual image. in this example case, the final URL will look like this: `https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRv2VhkhJsVkv4MiJXezqlvV50w-OmiC6Qcu1coXY5hVtq14EyCx2FSvbnEUwaBfM` Google might change things in the future, but as of 5/12/2024 when this post was written, this is the most current information. I hope this helps. Thanks! सोम 1:56 13/5/24
Hi - thanks for reaching out! I tried to reproduce the issue you described in Postman, but I cannot replicate the problem. Have you tried copying the code snippet from RapidAPI? You have to select **Shell > cURL** from the programming language dropdown menu on the screen where you test the endpoints. Then, copy the code snippet and paste it directly into the `GET` request input box in Postman. It should automatically transfer over all of the required headers and everything else needed to complete the request if you do it this way. Let me know if this still does not work for you. I can try to help troubleshoot more. Thanks! रवि 11:14 12/5/24
This bug has been fixed. The image URLs that are returned by newsAPI will now look something like this: `news.google.com/attachments/CC8iK0NnNVRPVWxVTFhsQlFtaHFTRjlIVFJERUF4aW5CU2dLTWdhQjBJcnlVQVU` One thing to note is that Google News recently changed the way it links to images, so this URL will end up redirecting to the actual image. in this example case, the final URL will look like this: `https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRv2VhkhJsVkv4MiJXezqlvV50w-OmiC6Qcu1coXY5hVtq14EyCx2FSvbnEUwaBfM` Google might change things in the future, but as of 5/12/2024 when this post was written, this is the most current information. I hope this helps. Thanks! सोम 1:56 13/5/24
Hi Adam, Thanks for your post! Unfortunately, this API does not offer the ability to paginate, offset, or sort results. In general, the API will return as many results as possible with the most recent results at the time you submit your request. However, if you are looking to narrow your search even more, you can use the search filters to only retrieve the most recent news articles beyond a specified date. To do this, you can include a string like this `after:2023-12-31` in the `query` parameter of the `/search` endpoint. I hope this helps! रवि 11:05 12/5/24
Thanks for your comment! You are correct - the **record id** that the "Location Autocomplete" endpoint returns is not the same as the **listing id**'s that you would use to search for a specific listing. You can ignore the **record id** since it is only used for Zumper internally. The "Location Autocomplete" endpoint is meant to be used only to get the latitude and longitude coordinates for the area you are searching for. Once you have those coordinates (ie: something like this: `[-87.86, 41.64, -87.50, 42.03]`), you can use them in the "Search Property Listings" endpoint to get a list of properties within the bounding box of those coordinates. Finally, each item in the "Search Property Listings" results will have a **listing id** associated with it. You can use this **listing id** in the "Property Listing Details" endpoint to get the detailed data about the specific listing you are looking for. Please feel free to reach out again if you have more questions. Thank you! गुरू 6:54 4/1/24
Hi, thanks for tying newsAPI! I believe the feature you are looking for already exists. To get the top stories for a keyword, you can use the `/search` endpoint. By default, this will return the top trending news about the keyword that you search for. You can even add additional filters to narrow your search to a specific time period. For example, if you wanted the current most trending news about AI for only the past 3 days, you could do something like this: `GET https://newsapi90.p.rapidapi.com/search?query=AI+after:2023-12-04` (just change the date in this example to suit your needs) Check out the [README](https://rapidapi.com/strataconsultingllc/api/newsapi90/details) page for more details on how to include and combine filters in your search query. I hope this helps! शुक्र 2:57 8/12/23