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Issue with Direct Downloads of Media Files via Provided Links

Rapid account: Mhmdshojaee
4달 전

Dear 9527,

I am reaching out to address a specific challenge I’ve encountered while integrating your API into my application. The issue pertains to the behavior of the media file download links provided by your API, which, instead of prompting a direct download, result in the media being played in the browser.

Detailed Description of the Issue:
Upon receiving a media file download link from your API, I expected that clicking the link (or programmatically accessing it via an HTTP GET request) would initiate a download of the file to the user’s device. However, instead of downloading, the link navigates to a new browser tab where the media content (audio/video) is played directly. This behavior does not align with the intended functionality of allowing users to download the files for offline access.

Attempted Solutions and Observations:

I have tried using the Content-Disposition: attachment header in my requests, hoping to force the browser to download the file instead of opening it. However, since this is a client-side action, my control over the response headers from the API is limited.
Utilizing HTML5 attributes (e.g., <a href="…" download>) only works when the originating server sets appropriate headers to allow for such downloads, which seems not to be the case currently.
Questions and Requests for Assistance:

Server-Side Headers: Could you confirm if the API’s server is configured to set the Content-Disposition: attachment header for download links? If not, is it possible to enable this configuration to facilitate direct downloads?

Best Practices for Download: If changing server-side configurations is not feasible, could you provide guidance or recommended practices for initiating direct downloads of media files via your API? Any client-side approaches or specific API parameters that could enforce this behavior would be highly appreciated.

Documentation or Examples: Are there any existing documentation sections, code snippets, or API parameters that I might have overlooked, which specifically address controlling the behavior of download links?

Understanding the necessity to ensure a seamless user experience, enabling direct downloads for offline access is crucial for the functionality of my application. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to any solutions or guidance you can provide.

Best Regards,

