Mask Detection

よって AI-Engine | 更新済み 2 months ago | Visual Recognition
Health Check




The Mask Detection API enables the identification of individuals wearing face coverings in images, offering essential insights to reinforce workplace safety protocols. It can be utilized to verify the use of face coverings by healthcare professionals for heightened safety measures and to ensure compliance with face mask regulations in public spaces, thereby contributing to effective measures in situations such as COVID-19.

Main Features

  • Face Cover Detection: The API can detect common face covers, including surgical, N95, and cloth masks.


HTTP Method URL Description
POST Detect Face Covers from image

Mask Detection

Proprity Description
Methode POST
POST Parameters image: BINARY OR url: STRING
Supported content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded | multipart/form-data

Response Schema

"responses": {
  "statusCode": ...,
  "body": {
    "Persons": [
        "Id": ...,
        "Confidence": ...,
        "Mask": {
          "Confidence": ...,
          "BoundingBox": ...
        "BoundingBox": ...
    "Summary": {
      "PersonsWithMask": ...,
      "PersonsWithoutMask": ...,
      "PersonsIndeterminate": ...

Response Field Descriptions

Field Type Description
statusCode int Status code of image processing.
Persons[] array An array containing detected persons in the image.
Persons[].Id string The Person Id.
Persons[].Confidence float The confidence number associated with the detected person.
Persons[].BoundingBox object An object containing a bounding box around the detected person.
Persons[].Mask object An object that contains information about the detected face cover. If no face cover is detected, this field will be null.
Persons[].Mask.Confidence float The confidence score associated with the detection of the face cover.
Persons[].Mask.BoundingBox object An object containing a bounding box around the detected face cover.
Summary object An object containing a summary of mask detection results.
Summary.PersonsWithMask[] array List of Person Ids wearing face covers.
Summary.PersonsWithoutMask[] array List of Person Ids without face covers.
Summary.PersonsIndeterminate[] array List of Person Ids with undetermined mask status. This may occur if the face is not visible.

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