HumanGraphics Name Parser

よって aleph0 | 更新済み 2 mesi fa | Data
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How are Names Represented?

Rapid account: Aleph 0 Io
5 mesi fa

HumanGraphics models human names with the following components:

  • Given Name - In most cultures, a person’s given name is a name given to them at birth by parents. Given names are also called first names, forenames, and Christian names. In “John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,” “John” is the given name.
  • Middle Name - In many cultures, people also receive one or more “middle names.” These names are typically either just a second given name, a woman’s maiden name, a name of family significance (e.g., the mother’s maiden name), or a patronymic/matronymic name. In “John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,” “Ronald” is the middle name.
  • Second Middle Name - In some cultures, children are given two middle names, either at birth or at a young age, as in Catholic confirmation (e.g., George R. R. Martin). In “John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,” “Reuel” is the second middle name.
  • Nickname - It’s not uncommon for people to accumulate various and sundry sobriquets throughout their lives, or simply to prefer to go by a name different from their given name. In “Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell,” “Maverick” is the nickname.
  • Family Name - In most cultures, a person’s family name is inherited from one or both of their parents. Family names are also called last names and surnames. In “John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,” “Tolkien” is the family name.
  • Second Family Name - In some cultures (particularly hispanic cultures), children receive two surnames at birth. In “José Fernández Martínez,” “Fernández” is the family name, and “Martínez” is the second family name.

More components may be added to the name model over time, e.g., titles.

