Air Cargo Schedule and Rate

よって CargoAi | 更新済み 19 days ago | Logistics

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Search endpoint is used to get the flight schedules with rates

To make a search you need to fill your shipment information, our system will query our
airline APIs as soon as it gets it. There are 2 ways to get the flights and rate for the shipment.

• The airline replies fast, and your result will be returned directly in the response of your
initial request.

• The airline replies slowly, and you will need to recall the search endpoint with the
“id” specified in the response.

You can define “fast” and “slow” by specifying the timeout parameter between 0 and 25

In the case 2, you will need to call the search multiple times by reusing the “id” from the
response. To know when to stop the status field will be set to “COMPLETED” once all the
airlines API finished replying.

To limit the number of results, you can use some filters based on your needs.
For instance, you can use:

  • liveRequests: limit the results to direct Airline’s API (ignore offline schedules)
  • withRatesOnly: limit the results to flight having rates (rates can be offline)
  • airlineCode: limit the results to a specific airline

Book endpoint is used for booking

To make a booking, you must choose one of the flightUUIDs and a rateId retrieved from the search results.

If the AWBOptional field in the search response is set to true, you can leave the AWB field
blank. In such cases, we can automatically retrieve an AWB using our airline’s APIs.
If it is not possible to allocate an AWB, an error will be triggered as “GetAWBFailed,” and
you will need to provide an AWB to proceed with your booking.

However, the AWB is mandatory when this field is set to false. Additionally, if the AWB is
already in use, an error will be triggered as “CheckAWBFailed.”

Cancel endpoint is used for cancellation

To cancel a booking, you must choose the flightUUID that you used for the booking.

Testing and going to Production

Testing can be done with the free plan or with the first paid plan.
When testing is conducted using a mock IATA-CASS (0000000-0000) and can be performed on routes from any countries to major destinations.

For testing the Book API, you can use one of the mock results and book it with random or empty AWB number.

Once testing is complete and you want to test with your own IATA CASS, please proceed as follows:

In order to successfully obtain rates and/or make bookings, we will first need to authorize the correct IATA-CASS numbers.

Please provide this list to along with your RapidAPI username.

Per office:

  • Company Name
  • User Name
  • Country Station
  • Origin Station
  • Contact Email
  • Contact Phone