LinkedIn Profiles and Company Data

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Looking for a Phantombuster alternative? Try our API service

Have you been using Phantombuster for your LinkedIn data needs but need scaling? Aren’t you happy with their pricing? If you are looking for an alternative to Phantombuster, then you can try our LinkedIn data API. Here is why our service is much better than Phantombuster.

Infinite Scaling
Phantombuster is a great service for lower volume and basic use but when it comes to scrape LinkedIn profiles in millions, then Phantombuster will not help you much. If you need infinite scaling and if you need to scrape LinkedIn profiles in millions, then our API service is what you need.

Realtime Data
We return data in realtime. When you send an HTTP request, our crawlers scrape LinkedIn in realtime and the data is returned to you. If data freshness is crucial for you, and it crucial most of the time, our API will help you get fresh LinkedIn data for each request.

Fast & Reliable
Our service offers ~100% uptime and response time is under 2 seconds. It is extremely reliable as your requests are retried by our API gateway if they fail and the end customer always experiences a 100% uptime. We are hosting our API service on a distributed cluster of servers and this brings extremely high reliability and makes our service fault-tolerant.

You pay for successful (200 OK, 404 Not found) requests only and failed requests don’t count towards billing. We offer a simple pay as you go pricing model that lets you consume our service no matter how big or small your use case is. High volume gets you low prices.

If you are using Phantombuster and you are facing any limitations there, you can try our API service at