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Maybe add another list of sets showing which are available in the shop ?

Rapid account: Efrye 684
לפני 8 שנים

Just finished my own collection tracker(+log-reader) and as far as I’m concerned it should be ready to handle any new sets added on it’s own by now. (if there’s ever new classes or rarities the whole thing falls apart though without an manual update on my part^^)

Anyway, I also added a rudimentary calculation of getting certain rarities from a new pack as little help in the decision of which packs to buy
(it’s not too accurate, since we don’t have definitve droprates and it’s just supposed to be a little guideline anyway).

But in order to calculate and show that, I need to know which sets are actually available in the shop at the moment.
And that list is the last thing I’ll have to keep track of manually as of now, as I don’t see any way of filtering those out automatically.

Not a big deal at all, in fact it’s just adding/removing a few strings on my end in a matter of seconds… so yeah, I’d like to see another list with every currently buyable set added. It would be only nice to have, absolutely nothing important to me tbh, since my little collection manager is not supposed to be released and used by others than me anyway a tiny update directly in the code every few months is really not a problem^^

