
よって Denis Raygorodskij | 更新済み il y a un mois | Email
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ContextIO Package

ContextIO is a modern, scalable email API that brings IMAP into the 21st century.Enrich your application with email data: contacts, attachments, receipts, reservations, travel information, and much more.Context.IO can connect to any IMAP enabled email including Gmail, Google Apps, Outlook, Yahoo, AOL, and more.Get near real-time notifications for new and sent messages via webhooks. We offer rich filtering features to ensure you only get the data you need.Context.IO is free to use for most cases, but we offer flexible pricing tiers for companies of any size.

  • Domain:
  • Credentials: consumerKey, consumerSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Register on the
  2. After register, in console, you will see OAuth consumer key and secret.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


You can create an account with no source by only passing in the email param. If you choose this option, you will need to add a source later.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
email String The primary email address used to receive emails in this account.
firstName String First name of the account holder.
lastName String Last name of the account holder.
syncAllFolders Select By default, we filter out some folders like ‘Deleted Items’ and 'Drafts’. Set this parameter to off to turn off this filtering and show every single folder.Options - only off.
expungeOnDeletedFlag Select By default, we don’t filter out messages flagged as deleted. Set this parameter to on to turn on this filtering.Options - only ‘on’.
callbackUrl String If specified, we’ll make a POST request to this URL when the initial sync is completed.
statusCallbackUrl String If specified, we’ll make a POST request to this URL if the connection status of the source changes.


Use this endpoint to add a source to an existing account. An account id is required to add a source to an existing account.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
email String The primary email address used to receive emails in this account.
username String The username used to authenticate an IMAP connection. On some servers, this is the same thing as the primary email address.
server String Name of IP of the IMAP server, eg.
useSsl Number Set to 1 if you want SSL encryption to be used when opening connections to the IMAP server. Any other value will be considered as “do not use SSL”.
port Number Port number to connect to on the server. For most servers, SSL is 993, and unencrypted (non-SSL) is 143.
type Select Currently, the only supported type is IMAP.
originIp String IP address of the end user requesting the account to be created
syncAllFolders Select By default, we filter out some folders like ‘Deleted Items’ and 'Drafts’. Set this parameter to off to turn off this filtering and show every single folder.Options - only off.
expungeOnDeletedFlag Select By default, we don’t filter out messages flagged as deleted. Set this parameter to on to turn on this filtering.Options - only on.
password String Password for this source. Required when creating a source and account in a single call. Ignored if any of the provider_* parameters are set below.
providerRefreshToken String An OAuth2 refresh token obtained from the IMAP account provider to authenticate this email account. Required if using oauth when creating a source and account in a single call.
providerConsumerKey String The OAuth2 Client ID used to obtain the the refresh token for the above account. Required if using oauth when creating a source and account in a single call.
callbackUrl String If specified, we’ll make a POST request to this URL when the initial sync is completed.
statusCallbackUrl String If specified, we’ll make a POST request to this URL if the connection status of the source changes.
rawFileList Select By default, we filter out files like signature images or those winmail.dat files form the files list. Set this parameter to off to turn off this filtering and show every single file attachments.Options - only off.


If you need to delete an account, you can do so by using this endpoint. This will delete the account and all sources associated with it.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.


If you wish to only delete a certain source from the account, but not delete the account itself.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
label String The label property of the source instance. You can use word first as an alias for the first source of an account.


Connect tokens are a feature we provide to facilitate account creation.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
callbackUrl String When the user’s mailbox is connected to your API key, the browser will call this url (GET). This call will have a parameter called contextio_token indicating the connect_token related to this callback. You can then do a get on this connect_token to obtain details about the account and source created through that token and save that account id in your own user data.
email String The email address of the account to be added. If specified, the first step of the connect UI where users are prompted for their email address, first name and last name is skipped.
firstName String First name of the account holder.
lastName String Last name of the account holder.
sourceCallbackUrl String If specified, we’ll make a POST request to this URL when the initial sync is completed.
sourceExpungeOnDeletedFlag Select By default, we don’t filter out messages flagged as deleted. Set this parameter to on to turn on this filtering.
sourceSyncAllFolders Select By default, we filter out some folders like ‘Deleted Items’ and 'Drafts’. Set this parameter to off to turn off this filtering and show every single folder.Options - only off.
sourceSyncFolders Select By default, we filter out some folders like 'Deleted Items’ and 'Drafts’. Set this parameter to All,Trash to show the 'Deleted Items’ folder.Options - All,Trash.
sourceRawFileList Select By default, we filter out files like signature images or those winmail.dat files form the files list. Set this parameter to off to turn off this filtering and show every single file attachments.Options - only off.
statusCallbackUrl String If specified, we’ll make a POST request to this URL if the connection status of the source changes.


Getting data about connect token will tell you:If the connect token was used;It not used, you will see when it will expire;If the connect token was used, you will see data about which source was added with the connect token;

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
token String The unique random token used to add a second source to an existing account.


Use this call to list all connect tokens associated with an account (used or unused).

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.


Use this call to list all connect tokens associated with a source (used or unused).

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
label String The label property of the source instance.


Getting details at the account level will give you:Account creation date;List all sources linked to the account;Number of messages currently in the mailbox;

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.


If the account has more than once source, this endpoint will list all sources associated with the account. Optional parameters will allow you to filter by source status.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
status Select Only return sources whose status is of a specific value. Opions - “INVALID_CREDENTIALS”,“CONNECTION_IMPOSSIBLE”, “OK”, “TEMP_DISABLED”, “DISABLED”.
statusOk Select Set to false to get sources that are not working correctly. Set to true to get those that are. OPtions - true,false.


The name of a source in Context.IO is called a “label”. The label will be included in the response when you get account or source details and looks something like email::provider.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
label String The label property of the source instance.


List all messages in the account (including all sources associated with the account). This call hits our cache of metadata for the account, so this call should be faster than hitting IMAP.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
subject String Get messages whose subject matches this search string. To use regular expressions instead of simple string matching, make sure the string starts and ends with /.
emails List Email address(es) or top level domain of the contact for whom you want the latest messages exchanged with. By “exchanged with contact X” we mean any email received from contact X, sent to contact X or sent by anyone to both contact X and the source owner. This accepts a single address or a comma separated list.
to String Email address of a contact messages have been sent to.
from String Email address of a contact messages have been received from.
emailOfContactCC String Email address of a contact CC’ed on the messages.
emailOfContactBCC String Email address of a contact BCC’ed on the messages.
folder String Filter messages by the folder (or Gmail label).This parameter can be the complete folder name with the appropriate hierarchy delimiter for the mail server being queried (eg. Inbox/My folder) or the “symbolic name” of the folder (eg. \Starred). The symbolic name refers to attributes used to refer to special use folders in a language-independent way. See RFC-6154.
source String Filter messages by the account source label.
fileName String Search for files based on their name. You can filter names using typical shell wildcards such as *, ? and [] or regular expressions by enclosing the search expression in a leading / and trailing /. For example, *.pdf would give you all PDF files while /.jpe?g$/ would return all files whose name ends with .jpg or .jpeg
fileSizeMin Number Search for files based on their size (in bytes).
fileSizeMax Number Search for files based on their size (in bytes).
dateBefore DatePicker Only include messages before a given timestamp. The value this filter is applied to is the Date: header of the message which refers to the time the message is sent from the origin.
dateAfter DatePicker Only include messages after a given timestamp. The value this filter is applied to is the Date: header of the message which refers to the time the message is sent from the origin.
indexedBefore DatePicker Only include messages indexed before a given timestamp. This is not the same as the date of the email, it is the time Context.IO indexed this message.
indexedAfter DatePicker Only include messages indexed after a given timestamp. This is not the same as the date of the email, it is the time Context.IO indexed this message.
includeThreadSize Select Set to true to include thread size in the result.
includeBody Select Set to true to include message bodies in the result. Since message bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
includeHeaders Select Can be set to false (default), true or raw. If set to true, complete message headers, parsed into an array, are included in the results. If set to raw, the headers are also included but as a raw unparsed string. Since full original headers bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
includeFlags Select Set to true to include thread size in the result.
bodyType String Used when includeBody is set to get only body parts of a given MIME-type (for example text/html).
includeSource Select Set to ‘true’ to include message sources in the result. Since message sources must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
sortOrder Select The sort order of the returned results. OPtions - asc,desc.
limit Number The maximum number of results to return. The maximum limit is 100. The default if no limit is provided is 25.
offset Number Start the list at this offset (zero-based).


Get an individual message based on a messageId. You can use either a messageId or emailMessageId

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
messageId String Unique id of a message. This can be the message_id or emailMessageId property of the message. The gmailMessageId (prefixed with gm-) can also be used.
includeThreadSize Select Set to true to include thread size in the result.Options - only true.
includeBody Select Set to true to include message bodies in the result. Since message bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.Options - only true.
includeHeaders Select Can be set to false (default), true or raw. If set to true, complete message headers, parsed into an array, are included in the results. If set to raw, the headers are also included but as a raw unparsed string. Since full original headers bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.Options - true,false.
includeFlags Select Set to true to include thread size in the result. Options - only ‘true’.
bodyType String Used when includeBody is set to get only body parts of a given MIME-type (for example text/html).
includeSource Select Set to ‘true’ to include message sources in the result. Since message sources must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.


Listing messages from a specific folder.Alterntively, you can also perform the following call by source. This call bypases our cache of the account, so expect a performance hit.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
sourceLabel String The label property of the source instance. You word first as an alias for the first source of an account.
folder String The full folder path using / as the path hierarchy delimiter.
includeThreadSize Select Set to true to include thread size in the result.
includeBody Select Set to true to include message bodies in the result. Since message bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
includeHeaders Select Can be set to false (default), true or raw. If set to true, complete message headers, parsed into an array, are included in the results. If set to raw, the headers are also included but as a raw unparsed string. Since full original headers bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
includeFlags Select Set to true to include thread size in the result.
bodyType String Used when includeBody is set to get only body parts of a given MIME-type (for example text/html).
flagSeen Select Message has been read. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
limit Number The maximum number of results to return. The maximum limit is 100. The default if no limit is provided is 25.
offset Number Start the list at this offset (zero-based).


The name of a source in Context.IO is called a “label”. The label will be included in the response when you get account or source details and looks something like email::provider.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
messageId String Unique id of a message. This can be the message_id or emailMessageId property of the message. The gmailMessageId (prefixed with gm-) can also be used.
type Select Many emails are sent with both rich text and plain text versions in the message body and by default, the response of this call will include both.


This call lists all flags currently applied to this message.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
messageId String Unique id of a message. This can be the message_id or emailMessageId property of the message. The gmailMessageId (prefixed with gm-) can also be used.


This call will allow you to set or unset flags for a specific message.To update the Messagge Flags, you must specify one of the parameters - seen,answered,flagged,deleted,draft.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
messageId String Unique id of a message. This can be the message_id or emailMessageId property of the message. The gmailMessageId (prefixed with gm-) can also be used.
seen Select Message has been read. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
answered Select Message has been answered. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
flagged Select Message is “flagged” for urgent/special attention. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
deleted Select Message is deleted for later removal. An alternative way of deleting messages is to move it to the Trash folder. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
draft Select Message has not completed composition (marked as a draft). Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.


This call returns the folder(s) a message appears in.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
messageId String Unique id of a message. This can be the message_id or emailMessageId property of the message. The gmailMessageId (prefixed with gm-) can also be used.


This call returns only the headers for this message. We send a parsed response by default, but you can also choose to get the raw RFC 822 headers.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
messageId String Unique id of a message. This can be the message_id or emailMessageId property of the message. The gmailMessageId (prefixed with gm-) can also be used.
raw Select By default, this returns messages headers parsed into an array. Set this parameter to unparsed to get raw unparsed headers.


This endpoint returns the raw RFC 822 source message.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
messageId String Unique id of a message. This can be the message_id or emailMessageId property of the message. The gmailMessageId (prefixed with gm-) can also be used.


This endpoint returns the the entire thread of messages a message is in that Context.IO has access to. Replies in the thread from accounts not in Context.Io would not appear here.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
messageId String Unique id of a message. This can be the message_id or emailMessageId property of the message. The gmailMessageId (prefixed with gm-) can also be used.
includeBody Select Set to true to include message bodies in the result. Since message bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
includeHeaders Select Can be set to false (default), true or raw. If set to true, complete message headers, parsed into an array, are included in the results. If set to raw, the headers are also included but as a raw unparsed string. Since full original headers bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
includeFlags Select Set to true to include thread size in the result.
bodyType String Used when includeBody is set to get only body parts of a given MIME-type (for example text/html).
includeSource Select Set to 1 to include message sources in the result. Since message sources must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
sortOrder Select The sort order of the returned results.
limit Number The maximum number of results to return. The maximum limit is 100. The default if no limit is provided is 25.
offset Number Start the list at this offset (zero-based).


This call allows you to copy or move a message between folders, or also change the message’s flags all at once. If there are more than one source on the account, you can use this call to copy/move the message between these sources.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
messageId String Unique id of a message. This can be the message_id or emailMessageId property of the message. The gmailMessageId (prefixed with gm-) can also be used.
folderToCopied String The folder within dst_source the message should be copied to.
sourceLabel String Label of the source you want the message copied to. This field is required if you’re moving a message that already exists in one source of the account to another source of that account.If you only want to move the message to a different folder within the same source, folderToCopied is sufficient.
move Select By default, this calls copies the original message in the destination. Set this parameter to true to move instead of copy.
flagSeen Select Message has been read. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
flagAnswered Select Message has been answered. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
flagDeleted Select Message is deleted for later removal. An alternative way of deleting messages is to move it to the Trash folder. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
flagDraft Select Message has not completed composition (marked as a draft). Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.


This call allows you to move a message between folders, or also change the message’s flags all at once. If there are more than one source on the account, you can use this call to copy/move the message between these sources.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
messageId String Unique id of a message. This can be the message_id or emailMessageId property of the message. The gmailMessageId (prefixed with gm-) can also be used.
folderToCopied String The folder within dst_source the message should be copied to.
sourceLabel String Label of the source you want the message copied to. This field is required if you’re moving a message that already exists in one source of the account to another source of that account.If you only want to move the message to a different folder within the same source, folderToCopied is sufficient.
flagSeen Select Message has been read. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
flagAnswered Select Message has been answered. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
flagDeleted Select Message is deleted for later removal. An alternative way of deleting messages is to move it to the Trash folder. Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.
flagDraft Select Message has not completed composition (marked as a draft). Set this parameter to set to set the flag, unset to unset it.


List folders for a given source (email address).

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
sourceLabel String The label property of the source instance. You word first as an alias for the first source of an account.
includeExtendedCounts Select Set to include to include extended counts in the result (for now, the only extended count supported is number of unseen messages). Since counts must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
noCache Select Set to true to fetch the folder list directly from the IMAP server. Since data must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.


Get information about a given folder such as number of messages, number of unseen messages, and other attributes.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
sourceLabel String The label property of the source instance. You can word first as an alias for the first source of an account.
folder String The full folder path using / as the path hierarchy delimiter.
delimiter String If / isn’t fancy enough as a hierarchy delimiter when specifying the folder you want to obtain, you’re free to use what you want, just make sure you set this delim parameter to tell us what you’re using.
includeExtendedCounts Select Set to include to include extended counts in the result (for now, the only extended count supported is number of unseen messages). Since counts must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.


Webhooks set at the user level are applicable only to the user on which the webhook is set. User level webhooks should be used for cases when you will be monitoring things that are very specific to each individual user.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
callbackUrl String A valid URL Context.IO calls when a matching message is found. The callback URL is called with an HTTP POST with message information in request body
failureNotifyUrl String (DEPRECATED) A valid URL Context.IO calls if the WebHooks fails and will no longer be active. That may happen if, for example, the server becomes unreachable or if it closes an IDLE connection and we can’t re-establish it.
filterTo List Check for new messages received to a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterFrom List Check for new messages received from a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterEmailList List Check for new messages received from a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterSubject String Check for new messages with a subject matching a given string or regular expression.
filterThread String Check for new messages in a given thread. Value can be a gmail_thread_id or the email_message_id of an existing message currently in the thread.
filterFileName String Check for new messages where a file whose name matches the given string is attached.
filterFolderAdded String Check for messages filed in a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label applied to a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
filterFolderRemoved String Check for messages removed from a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label removed from a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
filterToDomains List Check for new messages sent to a given domain. Also accepts a comma delimited list of domains.
filterFolderRemoved String Check for messages removed from a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label removed from a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
includeBody Select Set to true to include message bodies in the result. Since message bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
bodyType Select Required to be set when “include_body” is set to get only body parts of a given MIME-type
includeHeader Select Set to true or raw to include message headers in the result.
receiveAllChanges Select By default, we only send a webhook notification on the first event of a message (i.e. when a message is received or sent). Subsequent changes of a specific message do not trigger a webhook (i.e. if a message changes folders). When this parameter is set to true, we will send all events related to a message.
receiveDrafts Select Set to true, you will receive messages that are flagged as ‘Drafts’ in Gmail


List all webhooks set on a specific user.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.


Get information about a single user level webhook, such whether it is active and what filters are set on the webhook.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
webhookId String Unique id of a user level webhook.


Webhooks set at the user level are applicable only to the user on which the webhook is set. User level webhooks should be used for cases when you will be monitoring things that are very specific to each individual user.To update the user webhook, you must specify one of the optional parameters.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
webhookId String Unique id of a user level webhook.
callbackUrl String A valid URL Context.IO calls when a matching message is found. The callback URL is called with an HTTP POST with message information in request body
failureNotifyUrl String (DEPRECATED) A valid URL Context.IO calls if the WebHooks fails and will no longer be active. That may happen if, for example, the server becomes unreachable or if it closes an IDLE connection and we can’t re-establish it.
active Select By default, webhooks are set to active when first created. Set to ‘false’ to temporarily stop receiving callbacks for this webhook. Set to true again to resume.
filterTo List Check for new messages received to a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterFrom List Check for new messages received from a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterEmailList List Check for new messages received from a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterSubject String Check for new messages with a subject matching a given string or regular expression.
filterThread String Check for new messages in a given thread. Value can be a gmail_thread_id or the email_message_id of an existing message currently in the thread.
filterFileName String Check for new messages where a file whose name matches the given string is attached.
filterFolderAdded String Check for messages filed in a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label applied to a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
filterFolderRemoved String Check for messages removed from a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label removed from a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
filterToDomains List Check for new messages sent to a given domain. Also accepts a comma delimited list of domains.
filterFolderRemoved String Check for messages removed from a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label removed from a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
includeBody Select Set to true to include message bodies in the result. Since message bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
bodyType Select Required to be set when “include_body” is set to get only body parts of a given MIME-type
includeHeader Select Set to true or raw to include message headers in the result.
receiveAllChanges Select By default, we only send a webhook notification on the first event of a message (i.e. when a message is received or sent). Subsequent changes of a specific message do not trigger a webhook (i.e. if a message changes folders). When this parameter is set to true, we will send all events related to a message.
receiveDrafts Select Set to true, you will receive messages that are flagged as Drafts in Gmail


Delete a specific user level webhook.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
webhookId String Unique id of a user level webhook.


Webhooks set at the application level apply to all users in your userbase.Application level webhooks encourage a more DRY approach to using the Context.IO API.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
callbackUrl String A valid URL Context.IO calls when a matching message is found. The callback URL is called with an HTTP POST with message information in request body
failureNotifyUrl String (DEPRECATED) A valid URL Context.IO calls if the WebHooks fails and will no longer be active. That may happen if, for example, the server becomes unreachable or if it closes an IDLE connection and we can’t re-establish it.
active Select By default, webhooks are set to active when first created. Set to ‘false’ to temporarily stop receiving callbacks for this webhook. Set to true again to resume.
filterTo List Check for new messages received to a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterFrom List Check for new messages received from a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterEmailList List Check for new messages received from a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterSubject String Check for new messages with a subject matching a given string or regular expression.
filterThread String Check for new messages in a given thread. Value can be a gmail_thread_id or the email_message_id of an existing message currently in the thread.
filterFileName String Check for new messages where a file whose name matches the given string is attached.
filterFolderAdded String Check for messages filed in a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label applied to a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
filterFolderRemoved String Check for messages removed from a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label removed from a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
filterToDomains List Check for new messages sent to a given domain. Also accepts a comma delimited list of domains.
filterFolderRemoved String Check for messages removed from a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label removed from a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
includeBody Select Set to true to include message bodies in the result. Since message bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
bodyType Select Required to be set when “include_body” is set to get only body parts of a given MIME-type
includeHeader Select Set to true or raw to include message headers in the result.
receiveAllChanges Select By default, we only send a webhook notification on the first event of a message (i.e. when a message is received or sent). Subsequent changes of a specific message do not trigger a webhook (i.e. if a message changes folders). When this parameter is set to true, we will send all events related to a message.
receiveDrafts Select Set to true, you will receive messages that are flagged as Drafts in Gmail
receiveHistorical Select Set to true, we will perform a backscan of an account when a new account is added and send messages from new to old to your callback URL.


List all application level webhooks.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.


Get information about a single application level webhook, such whether it is active and what filters are set on the webhook.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
webhookId String Unique id of a user level webhook.


Edit an existing webhook. Please note changes to an existing webhook are not appended but overwritten.To update the user webhook, you must specify one of the optional parameters.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
webhookId String Unique id of a user level webhook.
callbackUrl String A valid URL Context.IO calls when a matching message is found. The callback URL is called with an HTTP POST with message information in request body
failureNotifyUrl String (DEPRECATED) A valid URL Context.IO calls if the WebHooks fails and will no longer be active. That may happen if, for example, the server becomes unreachable or if it closes an IDLE connection and we can’t re-establish it.
active Select By default, webhooks are set to active when first created. Set to ‘false’ to temporarily stop receiving callbacks for this webhook. Set to true again to resume.
filterTo List Check for new messages received to a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterFrom List Check for new messages received from a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterEmailList List Check for new messages received from a given name or email address. Also accepts a comma delimited list of email addresses.
filterSubject String Check for new messages with a subject matching a given string or regular expression.
filterThread String Check for new messages in a given thread. Value can be a gmail_thread_id or the email_message_id of an existing message currently in the thread.
filterFileName String Check for new messages where a file whose name matches the given string is attached.
filterFolderAdded String Check for messages filed in a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label applied to a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
filterFolderRemoved String Check for messages removed from a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label removed from a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
filterToDomains List Check for new messages sent to a given domain. Also accepts a comma delimited list of domains.
filterFolderRemoved String Check for messages removed from a given folder. On Gmail, this is equivalent to having a label removed from a message. The value should be the complete name (including parents if applicable) of the folder you want to track.
includeBody Select Set to true to include message bodies in the result. Since message bodies must be retrieved from the IMAP server, expect a performance hit when setting this parameter.
bodyType Select Required to be set when “include_body” is set to get only body parts of a given MIME-type
includeHeader Select Set to true or raw to include message headers in the result.
receiveAllChanges Select By default, we only send a webhook notification on the first event of a message (i.e. when a message is received or sent). Subsequent changes of a specific message do not trigger a webhook (i.e. if a message changes folders). When this parameter is set to true, we will send all events related to a message.
receiveDrafts Select Set to true, you will receive messages that are flagged as Drafts in Gmail
receiveHistorical Select Set to true, we will perform a backscan of an account when a new account is added and send messages from new to old to your callback URL.


Delete a specific user level webhook.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
webhookId String Unique id of a user level webhook.


There are several ways you can interact with a user’s contacts.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
search String String identifying the name or the email address of the contact(s) you are looking for.
activeBefore DatePicker Only include contacts included in at least one email dated before a given time.
activeAfter DatePicker Only include contacts included in at least one email dated after a given time.
sortBy Select The field by which to sort the returned results.
sortOrder Select The sort order of the returned results.
limit Number The maximum number of results to return. The maximum limit is 100. The default if no limit is provided is 25.
offset Number Start the list at this offset (zero-based).


Get information about a given contact such as when a message was last sent or last received, as well as how many messages have been sent to this contact, or received from this contact.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
email String Email address of a contact


List files shared with a specific contact(s).

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
email String Email address of a contact
limit Number The maximum number of results to return. The maximum limit is 100. The default if no limit is provided is 25.
offset Number Start the list at this offset (zero-based).


Get a list of email messages exchanged with one or more email addresses. This includes messages sent by a contact, received from a contact, or where both the contact and mailbox owner are included in the list of recipients.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
email String Email address of a contact.
limit Number The maximum number of results to return. The maximum limit is 100. The default if no limit is provided is 25.
offset Number Start the list at this offset (zero-based).


List threads where a specific contact(s) is present in the recipient list.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
email String Email address of a contact.
limit Number The maximum number of results to return. The maximum limit is 100. The default if no limit is provided is 25.
offset Number Start the list at this offset (zero-based).


The name of a source in Context.IO is called a “label”. The label will be included in the response when you get account or source details and looks something like email::provider.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
fileName String Search for files based on their name. You can filter names using typical shell wildcards such as *, ? and [] or regular expressions by enclosing the search expression in a leading / and trailing /. For example, *.pdf would give you all PDF files while /.jpe?g$/ would return all files whose name ends with .jpg or .jpeg
fileSizeMin Number Search for files based on their size (in bytes).
fileSizeMax Number Search for files based on their size (in bytes).
email String Email address of the contact for whom you want the latest files in which this email address was listed as a recipient.
to String Email address of a contact messages have been sent to.
from String Email address of a contact messages have been received from.
emailOfContactCC String Email address of a contact CC’ed on the messages.
emailOfContactBCC String Email address of a contact BCC’ed on the messages.
dateBefore DatePicker Only include messages before a given timestamp. The value this filter is applied to is the Date: header of the message which refers to the time the message is sent from the origin.
dateAfter DatePicker Only include messages after a given timestamp. The value this filter is applied to is the Date: header of the message which refers to the time the message is sent from the origin.
indexedBefore DatePicker Only include messages indexed before a given timestamp. This is not the same as the date of the email, it is the time Context.IO indexed this message.
indexedAfter DatePicker Only include messages indexed after a given timestamp. This is not the same as the date of the email, it is the time Context.IO indexed this message.
source String Filter messages by the account source label.
sortOrder Select The sort order of the returned results.
limit Number The maximum number of results to return. The maximum limit is 100. The default if no limit is provided is 25.
offset Number Start the list at this offset (zero-based).


Get details about a specific file.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
fileId String Unique id of a file.


There are a couple ways you can download the file itself from the API.Get the file itself in the response;Get an AWS link you can use to download the file;

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
accountId String Unique id of an account.
fileId String Unique id of a file.
asLink Select Set to true, get an AWS link you can use to download the file.


If you prefer to handle your own authentication and add accounts or sources manually, you may want to check for IMAP configuration settings to add users. The Discovery endpoint returns known IMAP configuration settings given an email address.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
sourceType Select The type of source you want to discover settings for.
email String An email address you want to discover IMAP settings for.


List all oauth providers linked to your Context.IO API key.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.


Add an oauth provider.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
type Select Identification of the OAuth2 provider.
providerConsumerKey String The OAuth2 Client ID.
providerConsumerSecret String The OAuth2 Client Secret


Get information about an oauth provider.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
providerConsumerKey String The consumer key for this external OAuth provider


Delete an oauth provider.

Field Type Description
consumerKey credentials The consumer key from your account.
consumerSecret credentials The consumer secret from your account.
providerConsumerKey String The consumer key for this external OAuth provider
Rapid account: Denis Raygorodskij
Denis Raygorodskij