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Marvel Package


  • Domain: Marvel
  • Credentials: publicKey, privateKey

How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Marvel website
  2. Register or log in
  3. Go to Developers page to get your keys


Fetches lists of comic characters with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
name String Return only characters matching the specified full character name (e.g. Spider-Man).
nameStartsWith String Return characters with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only characters which have been modified since the specified date.
comics Array Return only characters which appear in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only characters which appear the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only characters which appear the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only characters which appear the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


This method fetches a single character resource. It is the canonical URI for any character resource provided by the API.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
characterId Number A single character id.


Fetches lists of comics containing a specific character, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
characterId Number A single character id.
format String Filter by the issue format (e.g. comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
formatType String Filter by the issue format type (comic or collection).
noVariants Boolean Exclude variant comics from the result set.
dateDescriptor String Return comics within a predefined date range. Values: lastWeek, thisWeek, nextWeek, thisMonth
dateRange Array Return comics within a predefined date range. Dates must be specified as array. Dates are preferably formatted as YYYY-MM-DD but may be sent as any common date format.
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
issueNumber String Return only issues in series whose issue number matches the input.
diamondCode String Filter by diamond code.
digitalId Number Filter by digital comic id.
upc String Filter by UPC.
isbn String Filter by ISBN.
ean String Filter by EAN.
issn String Filter by ISSN.
hasDigitalIssue Boolean Include only results which are available digitally.
modifiedSince String Return only comics which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only comics which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only comics which are part of the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only comics which take place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only comics which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
sharedAppearances String Return only comics in which the specified characters appear together (for example in which BOTH Spider-Man and Wolverine appear).
collaborators String Return only comics in which the specified creators worked together (for example in which BOTH Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did work).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: focDate, onsaleDate, title, issueNumber, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of events containing a specific character, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
characterId Number A single character id.
name String Filter the event list by name.
nameStartsWith String Return events with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only events which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only events which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only events which are part of the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only events which take place in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only events which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, startDate modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of series containing a specific character, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
characterId Number A single character id.
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
modifiedSince String Return only series which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only series which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only series which contain the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only series which have comics that take place during the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only series which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
seriesType String Filter the series by publication frequency type. Values: collection, one shot, limited, ongoing
contains String Return only series containing one or more comics with the specified format. Values: comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: title, startYear, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of stories containing a specific character, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
characterId Number A single character id.
modifiedSince String Return only stories which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only stories which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only stories contained in the specified (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only stories which take place during the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only stories contained the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: id, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comics with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
format String Filter by the issue format (e.g. comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
formatType String Filter by the issue format type (comic or collection).
noVariants Boolean Exclude variant comics from the result set.
dateDescriptor String Return comics within a predefined date range. Values: lastWeek, thisWeek, nextWeek, thisMonth
dateRange Array Return comics within a predefined date range. Dates must be specified as array. Dates are preferably formatted as YYYY-MM-DD but may be sent as any common date format.
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
issueNumber String Return only issues in series whose issue number matches the input.
diamondCode String Filter by diamond code.
digitalId Number Filter by digital comic id.
upc String Filter by UPC.
isbn String Filter by ISBN.
ean String Filter by EAN.
issn String Filter by ISSN.
hasDigitalIssue Boolean Include only results which are available digitally.
modifiedSince String Return only comics which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only comics which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only comics which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only comics which are part of the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only comics which take place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only comics which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
sharedAppearances String Return only comics in which the specified characters appear together (for example in which BOTH Spider-Man and Wolverine appear).
collaborators String Return only comics in which the specified creators worked together (for example in which BOTH Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did work).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: focDate, onsaleDate, title, issueNumber, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


This method fetches a single comic resource. It is the canonical URI for any comic resource provided by the API.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
comicId Number A single comic id.


Fetches lists of characters which appear in a specific comic with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
comicId Number A single comic id.
name String Return only characters matching the specified full character name (e.g. Spider-Man).
nameStartsWith String Return characters with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only characters which have been modified since the specified date.
series Array Return only characters which appear the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only characters which appear comics that took place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only characters which appear the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic creators whose work appears in a specific comic, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
comicId Number A single comic id.
firstName String Filter by creator first name (e.g. brian).
middleName String Filter by creator middle name (e.g. Michael).
lastName String Filter by creator last name (e.g. Bendis).
suffix String Filter by suffix or honorific (e.g. Jr., Sr.).
nameStartsWith String Filter by creator names that match critera (e.g. B, St L).
firstNameStartsWith String Filter by creator first names that match critera (e.g. B, St L).
middleNameStartsWith String Filter by creator middle names that match critera (e.g. Mi).
lastNameStartsWith String Filter by creator last names that match critera (e.g. Ben).
modifiedSince String Return only creators which have been modified since the specified date.
series Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: lastName, firstName, middleName, suffix, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of events in which a specific comic appears, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
comicId Number A single comic id.
name String Filter the event list by name.
nameStartsWith String Return events with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only events which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only events which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only events which are part of the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only events which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only events which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, startDate, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic stories in a specific comic issue, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
comicId Number A single comic id.
modifiedSince String Return only stories which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only stories which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only stories which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only stories which take place during the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only stories contained the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: id, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic creators with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
firstName String Filter by creator first name (e.g. brian).
middleName String Filter by creator middle name (e.g. Michael).
lastName String Filter by creator last name (e.g. Bendis).
suffix String Filter by suffix or honorific (e.g. Jr., Sr.).
nameStartsWith String Filter by creator names that match critera (e.g. B, St L).
firstNameStartsWith String Filter by creator first names that match critera (e.g. B, St L).
middleNameStartsWith String Filter by creator middle names that match critera (e.g. Mi).
lastNameStartsWith String Filter by creator last names that match critera (e.g. Ben).
modifiedSince String Return only creators which have been modified since the specified date.
series Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only creators who worked on comics that took place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: lastName, firstName, middleName, suffix, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


This method fetches a single creator resource. It is the canonical URI for any creator resource provided by the API.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
creatorId Number ID of the creator


Fetches lists of comics in which the work of a specific creator appears, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
creatorId Number Creator id.
format String Filter by the issue format (e.g. comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
formatType String Filter by the issue format type (comic or collection).
noVariants Boolean Exclude variant comics from the result set.
dateDescriptor String Return comics within a predefined date range. Values: lastWeek, thisWeek, nextWeek, thisMonth
dateRange Array Return comics within a predefined date range. Dates must be specified as array. Dates are preferably formatted as YYYY-MM-DD but may be sent as any common date format.
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
issueNumber String Return only issues in series whose issue number matches the input.
diamondCode String Filter by diamond code.
digitalId Number Filter by digital comic id.
upc String Filter by UPC.
isbn String Filter by ISBN.
ean String Filter by EAN.
issn String Filter by ISSN.
hasDigitalIssue Boolean Include only results which are available digitally.
modifiedSince String Return only comics which have been modified since the specified date.
characters Array Return only comics which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only comics which are part of the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only comics which take place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only comics which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
sharedAppearances String Return only comics in which the specified characters appear together (for example in which BOTH Spider-Man and Wolverine appear).
collaborators String Return only comics in which the specified creators worked together (for example in which BOTH Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did work).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: focDate, onsaleDate, title, issueNumber, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of events featuring the work of a specific creator with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
creatorId Number Creator id.
name String Filter the event list by name.
nameStartsWith String Return events with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only events which have been modified since the specified date.
comics Array Return only events which take place in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only events which are part of the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only events which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only events which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, startDate, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic series in which a specific creator’s work appears, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
creatorId Number Creator id.
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
modifiedSince String Return only series which have been modified since the specified date.
characters Array Return only series which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only series which contain the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only series which have comics that take place during the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only series which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
seriesType String Filter the series by publication frequency type. Values: collection, one shot, limited, ongoing
contains String Return only series containing one or more comics with the specified format. Values: comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: title, startYear, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic stories by a specific creator with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
creatorId Number Creator id.
modifiedSince String Return only stories which have been modified since the specified date.
comics Array Return only stories contained in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only stories which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only stories which take place during the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only stories contained the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: id, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of events with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
name String Filter the event list by name.
nameStartsWith String Return events with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only events which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only events which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only events which are part of the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only events which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only events which take place in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only events which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, startDate, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


This method fetches a single event resource. It is the canonical URI for any event resource provided by the API.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
eventId Number ID of the event


Fetches lists of characters which appear in a specific event, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
eventId Number A single event id.
name String Return only characters matching the specified full character name (e.g. Spider-Man).
nameStartsWith String Return characters with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only characters which have been modified since the specified date.
series Array Return only characters which appear the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only characters which appear in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only characters which appear the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comics which take place during a specific event, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
eventId Number Event id.
format String Filter by the issue format (e.g. comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
formatType String Filter by the issue format type (comic or collection).
noVariants Boolean Exclude variant comics from the result set.
dateDescriptor String Return comics within a predefined date range. Values: lastWeek, thisWeek, nextWeek, thisMonth
dateRange Array Return comics within a predefined date range. Dates must be specified as array. Dates are preferably formatted as YYYY-MM-DD but may be sent as any common date format.
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
issueNumber String Return only issues in series whose issue number matches the input.
diamondCode String Filter by diamond code.
digitalId Number Filter by digital comic id.
upc String Filter by UPC.
isbn String Filter by ISBN.
ean String Filter by EAN.
issn String Filter by ISSN.
hasDigitalIssue Boolean Include only results which are available digitally.
modifiedSince String Return only comics which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only comics which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only comics which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only comics which are part of the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only comics which take place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only comics which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
sharedAppearances String Return only comics in which the specified characters appear together (for example in which BOTH Spider-Man and Wolverine appear).
collaborators String Return only comics in which the specified creators worked together (for example in which BOTH Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did work).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: focDate, onsaleDate, title, issueNumber, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic creators whose work appears in a specific event, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
eventId Number A single event id.
firstName String Filter by creator first name (e.g. brian).
middleName String Filter by creator middle name (e.g. Michael).
lastName String Filter by creator last name (e.g. Bendis).
suffix String Filter by suffix or honorific (e.g. Jr., Sr.).
nameStartsWith String Filter by creator names that match critera (e.g. B, St L).
firstNameStartsWith String Filter by creator first names that match critera (e.g. B, St L).
middleNameStartsWith String Filter by creator middle names that match critera (e.g. Mi).
lastNameStartsWith String Filter by creator last names that match critera (e.g. Ben).
modifiedSince String Return only creators which have been modified since the specified date.
series Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: lastName, firstName, middleName, suffix, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic series in which a specific event takes place, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
eventId Number A single event id.
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
modifiedSince String Return only series which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only series which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only series which contain the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only series which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only series which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
seriesType String Filter the series by publication frequency type. Values: collection, one shot, limited, ongoing
contains String Return only series containing one or more comics with the specified format. Values: comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: title, startYear, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic stories from a specific event, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
eventId Number A single event id.
modifiedSince String Return only stories which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only stories which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only stories contained in the specified (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only stories which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only stories contained the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: id, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic series with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
modifiedSince String Return only series which have been modified since the specified date.
characters Array Return only series which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
creators Array Return only series which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only series which contain the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only series which have comics that take place during the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only series which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
seriesType String Filter the series by publication frequency type. Values: collection, one shot, limited, ongoing
contains String Return only series containing one or more comics with the specified format. Values: comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: title, startYear, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


This method fetches a single comic series resource. It is the canonical URI for any comic story resource provided by the API.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
seriesId Number ID of the series


Fetches lists of characters which appear in specific series, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
seriesId Number A single series id.
name String Return only characters matching the specified full character name (e.g. Spider-Man).
nameStartsWith String Return characters with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only characters which have been modified since the specified date.
comics Array Return only characters which appear in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only characters which appear comics that took place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only characters which appear the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comics which are published as part of a specific series, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
seriesId Number A single series id.
format String Filter by the issue format (e.g. comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
formatType String Filter by the issue format type (comic or collection).
noVariants Boolean Exclude variant comics from the result set.
dateDescriptor String Return comics within a predefined date range. Values: lastWeek, thisWeek, nextWeek, thisMonth
dateRange Array Return comics within a predefined date range. Dates must be specified as array. Dates are preferably formatted as YYYY-MM-DD but may be sent as any common date format.
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
issueNumber String Return only issues in series whose issue number matches the input.
diamondCode String Filter by diamond code.
digitalId Number Filter by digital comic id.
upc String Filter by UPC.
isbn String Filter by ISBN.
ean String Filter by EAN.
issn String Filter by ISSN.
hasDigitalIssue Boolean Include only results which are available digitally.
modifiedSince String Return only comics which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only comics which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only comics which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only comics which take place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only comics which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
sharedAppearances String Return only comics in which the specified characters appear together (for example in which BOTH Spider-Man and Wolverine appear).
collaborators String Return only comics in which the specified creators worked together (for example in which BOTH Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did work).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: focDate, onsaleDate, title, issueNumber, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic creators whose work appears in a specific series, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
seriesId Number A single series id.
firstName String Filter by creator first name (e.g. brian).
middleName String Filter by creator middle name (e.g. Michael).
lastName String Filter by creator last name (e.g. Bendis).
suffix String Filter by suffix or honorific (e.g. Jr., Sr.).
nameStartsWith String Filter by creator names that match critera (e.g. B, St L).
firstNameStartsWith String Filter by creator first names that match critera (e.g. B, St L).
middleNameStartsWith String Filter by creator middle names that match critera (e.g. Mi).
lastNameStartsWith String Filter by creator last names that match critera (e.g. Ben).
modifiedSince String Return only creators which have been modified since the specified date.
events Array Return only creators who worked on comics that took place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: lastName, firstName, middleName, suffix, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of events which occur in a specific series, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
seriesId Number A single series id.
name String Filter the event list by name.
nameStartsWith String Return events with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only events which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only events which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only events which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only events which take place in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
stories Array Return only events which contain the specified stories (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, startDate modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic stories from a specific event, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
seriesId Number A single series id.
modifiedSince String Return only stories which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only stories which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only stories contained in the specified (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only stories which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only stories which take place during the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: id, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic stories with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
modifiedSince String Return only stories which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only stories which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only stories contained in the specified (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only stories contained the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only stories which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only stories which take place during the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: id, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


This method fetches a single comic story resource. It is the canonical URI for any comic story resource provided by the API.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
storyId Number Id of the story


Fetches lists of comic characters appearing in a single story, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
storyId Number A single story id.
name String Return only characters matching the specified full character name (e.g. Spider-Man).
nameStartsWith String Return characters with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only characters which have been modified since the specified date.
comics Array Return only characters which appear in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only characters which appear comics that took place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only characters which appear the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic characters appearing in a single story, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
storyId Number A single story id.
format String Filter by the issue format (e.g. comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
formatType String Filter by the issue format type (comic or collection).
noVariants Boolean Exclude variant comics from the result set.
dateDescriptor String Return comics within a predefined date range. Values: lastWeek, thisWeek, nextWeek, thisMonth
dateRange Array Return comics within a predefined date range. Dates must be specified as array. Dates are preferably formatted as YYYY-MM-DD but may be sent as any common date format.
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
issueNumber String Return only issues in series whose issue number matches the input.
diamondCode String Filter by diamond code.
digitalId Number Filter by digital comic id.
upc String Filter by UPC.
isbn String Filter by ISBN.
ean String Filter by EAN.
issn String Filter by ISSN.
hasDigitalIssue Boolean Include only results which are available digitally.
modifiedSince String Return only comics which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only comics which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only comics which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
events Array Return only comics which take place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only characters which appear the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
sharedAppearances String Return only comics in which the specified characters appear together (for example in which BOTH Spider-Man and Wolverine appear).
collaborators String Return only comics in which the specified creators worked together (for example in which BOTH Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did work).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: focDate, onsaleDate, title, issueNumber, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic creators whose work appears in a specific story, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
storyId Number A single story id.
firstName String Filter by creator first name (e.g. brian).
middleName String Filter by creator middle name (e.g. Michael).
lastName String Filter by creator last name (e.g. Bendis).
suffix String Filter by suffix or honorific (e.g. Jr., Sr.).
nameStartsWith String Filter by creator names that match critera (e.g. B, St L).
firstNameStartsWith String Filter by creator first names that match critera (e.g. B, St L).
middleNameStartsWith String Filter by creator middle names that match critera (e.g. Mi).
lastNameStartsWith String Filter by creator last names that match critera (e.g. Ben).
modifiedSince String Return only creators which have been modified since the specified date.
events Array Return only creators who worked on comics that took place in the specified events (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only creators who worked on in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only creators who worked on the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: lastName, firstName, middleName, suffix, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of events in which a specific story appears, with optional filters.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
storyId Number A single story id.
name String Filter the event list by name.
nameStartsWith String Return events with names that begin with the specified string (e.g. Sp).
modifiedSince String Return only events which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only events which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only events which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only events which take place in the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
series Array Return only events which are part of the specified series (accepts an array of ids).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: name, startDate modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.


Fetches lists of comic series in which the specified story takes place.

Field Type Description
publicKey credentials Public api key obtained from Marvel
privateKey credentials Private api key obtained from Marvel
storyId Number A single story id.
title String Return only issues in series whose title matches the input.
titleStartsWith String Return only issues in series whose title starts with the input.
startYear String Return only issues in series whose start year matches the input.
modifiedSince String Return only series which have been modified since the specified date.
creators Array Return only series which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
comics Array Return only series which contain the specified comics (accepts an array of ids).
characters Array Return only series which feature the specified characters (accepts an array of ids).
creators Array Return only series which feature work by the specified creators (accepts an array of ids).
seriesType String Filter the series by publication frequency type. Values: collection, one shot, limited, ongoing
contains String Return only series containing one or more comics with the specified format. Values: comic, digital comic, hardcover, magazine, trade paperback, digest, graphic novel, infinite comic).
orderBy String Order the result set by a field or fields. Add a “-” to the value sort in descending order. Multiple values are given priority in the order in which they are passed. Values: title, startYear, modified
limit Number Limit the result set to the specified number of resources.
offset Number Skip the specified number of resources in the result set.
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov