Economy News Data Collection

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すべてのチュートリアルに戻る (3)

Filtering parameters

The next list shows the available filters that enables to retrieve only the wanted data.

Filter Description
site Website from which we want data (or not)
domain Internet domain from which we want data (or not)
title Words and expressions that must be present (or not) in the titles of returned publications
text Words and expressions that must be present (or not) in the body text of returned publications
language Natural language of the required (or refused) publications. See language codes ISO 639-1
site_language Website’s language of the required (or refused) publications: en (english), es (spanish), fr (french), …
site_country Website’s country of the required (or refused) publications. See country codes ISO-3166-2
site_region Website region. See ISO-3166-2
author Author of the publication. For example, “Shakespeare”
published Publishing timestamp in miliseconds. Conversor
crawled Crawling timestamp in miliseconds. Conversor
site_type Type of website: general, news, blog or discussion

How to build a filter expression

q = “(filter1: valor1) operador (filter2 : valor2) operador … (filterN : valorN__)”

The spaces between the parts of the expression have been added only in order to gain clarity.

Scaping special characters

Some characters are part of the query syntax: + - * && || ! () [] {} ^ " ? ~ : \ /

In order to avoid confusions they must be preceded by the “” character in the query expression. To search (1+1):2 we have to build the querry as it follows: (1+1):2.

Let’s see another example: to search the URL we must rewrite as url:https :\ / \ /

q filters examples

Example Explanation
(site: OR site: Retrieve publications from the websites or or from the both.
NOT ( AND Retrieve publications from all the websites excepts from the and websites.
((title:rajoy AND (text:España OR text:Morales)) NOT title:españoles) Retrieve publications where title includes the words “rajoy” and (or “españa” or “morales”) and excludes “españoles”.
(language:es OR language:es) Retrieve only publications in spanish or french languages.
(site_language:es OR site_language:fr) Retrieve publications from spanish or french websites.
NOT (site_language:es) OR NOT (site_language:fr) Don’t retrieve publications from spanish or french websites.
author:Pedrolo Retrieve only Manuel de Perolo’s publications.
(site_type:news OR site_type:blogs) Retrieve publications from news websites or blog websites.
NOT (site_type:news) Don’t retrieve publication from news websites.

More information

More information is avaiable in the complete Lucene’s syntax Manual.