Bosun's Water Check

By Kilo Moana | Updated a month ago | Location
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Bosun’s Water Check - A Geospatial Water Detection Service

Table of Contents


Bosun’s Water Check is a geospatial service designed for developers, geographers, and enthusiasts working on projects involving OpenStreetMap (OSM) and OpenSeaMap. The core feature of the service is to provide a simple and effective way to determine the presence of water at any given latitude and longitude coordinates. Moreover, it enriches the data by supplying relevant information regarding the corresponding OSM tile for the specified coordinates.


  • Water Detection: Identify the presence of water at specified geographical coordinates.
  • OSM Tile Information: Gain insights on the targeted OSM tile, including its URL, and the range of latitude and longitude it covers.
  • Ease of Use: Straightforward API endpoint that simplifies integration into existing projects or applications.
  • RapidAPI Integration: Hosted on RapidAPI for easy access, usage monitoring, and support.


  • /isWater: Check for water presence at specified coordinates.
  • /osmTileUrlByLatLng: Retrieve OSM tile URL and coordinates for a specified location.
  • /osmTileUrlByXYZ: Obtain OSM tile URL using OSM coordinate values.
  • /osmTileDetailsByUrl: Get detailed information about an OSM tile using its URL.

Endpoint: /isWater

Method: GET

The /isWater endpoint provides a straightforward method to check whether the specified geographical coordinates are water or land. This endpoint could be particularly useful for applications involving mapping, geospatial analysis, or any project requiring water detection based on latitude and longitude.

Request Parameters:

  • lat (Required): The latitude of the geographical coordinate you want to analyze. Value should be between -90 and 90.
  • lng (Required): The longitude of the geographical coordinate you want to analyze. Value should be between -180 and 180.

Response Format:

The response will be a JSON object containing a single property water, which will be true if water is detected at the specified coordinates, and false otherwise.

Response Example:

    "water": false

Usage Example:

GET /isWater?lat=52.5200&lng=13.4050

Ensure to replace 52.5200 and 13.4050 with your own latitude and longitude values respectively.

Error Handling:

Errors are returned in a standard format. For example, if you pass invalid latitude or longitude values, you might receive a response like:

    "error": "Invalid latitude or longitude values."

Utilize the /isWater endpoint to quickly ascertain the water or land status of any geographical coordinate, aiding in the data analysis or visualization tasks of your projects.

Endpoint: /osmTileUrlByLatLng

Method: GET

The /osmTileUrlByLatLng endpoint facilitates the retrieval of OpenStreetMap (OSM) tile URL and its corresponding tile coordinates for a specified geographical location and zoom level. This endpoint is instrumental for developers and geospatial enthusiasts who require precise OSM tile information for mapping, geospatial analysis, or visualization purposes.

Request Parameters:

  • lat (Required): The latitude of the geographical coordinate. The value should be between -90 and 90.
  • lng (Required): The longitude of the geographical coordinate. The value should be between -180 and 180.
  • zoom (Optional): The zoom level for the OSM tile. If not specified, a standard zoom level of 19 will be used. Valid zoom levels are typically between 0 and 19, where 0 represents the entire world and 19 represents individual buildings.

Response Format:

The response will be a JSON object containing the following properties:

  • url: The URL of the OSM tile corresponding to the specified latitude, longitude, and zoom level.
  • x: The X coordinate of the OSM tile.
  • y: The Y coordinate of the OSM tile.
  • z: The zoom level of the OSM tile.

Response Example:

    "url": "",
    "x": 1302,
    "y": 694,
    "z": 11

Usage Example:

GET /osmTileUrlByLatLng?lat=52.5200&lng=13.4050&zoom=11

Ensure to replace 52.5200, 13.4050, and 11 with your own latitude, longitude, and zoom level values respectively.

Error Handling:

Errors are returned in a standard format. For instance, if you pass invalid latitude, longitude, or zoom values, you might receive a response like:

    "error": "Invalid latitude, longitude, or zoom values."

The /osmTileUrlByLatLng endpoint provides a convenient way to obtain OSM tile information, promoting seamless integration into mapping applications or geospatial projects.

Endpoint: /osmTileUrlByXYZ

Method: GET

The /osmTileUrlByXYZ endpoint allows users to retrieve the OpenStreetMap (OSM) tile URL along with its corresponding tile coordinates using OSM coordinate values. This facilitates seamless mapping and geospatial analysis for developers and geographers who have OSM coordinate data and need to obtain the corresponding OSM tile URL.

Request Parameters:

  • x (Required): The X coordinate of the OSM tile.
  • y (Required): The Y coordinate of the OSM tile.
  • zoom (Required): The zoom level for the OSM tile. Valid zoom levels are typically between 0 and 19, where 0 represents the entire world and 19 represents individual buildings.

Response Format:

The response will be a JSON object containing the following properties:

  • url: The URL of the OSM tile corresponding to the specified OSM coordinates and zoom level.
  • x: The X coordinate of the OSM tile.
  • y: The Y coordinate of the OSM tile.
  • z: The zoom level of the OSM tile.

Response Example:

    "url": "",
    "x": 1302,
    "y": 694,
    "z": 11

Usage Example:

GET /osmTileUrlByXYZ?x=1302&y=694&zoom=11

Ensure to replace 1302, 694, and 11 with your own X, Y, and zoom level values respectively.

Error Handling:

Errors are returned in a standard format. For instance, if you pass invalid X, Y, or zoom values, you might receive a response like:

    "error": "Invalid X, Y, or zoom values."

The /osmTileUrlByXYZ endpoint is a robust tool for obtaining OSM tile URLs and their coordinates directly from OSM coordinate values, enhancing the flexibility and utility of geospatial projects.

Endpoint: /osmTileDetailsByUrl

Method: GET

The /osmTileDetailsByUrl endpoint allows users to retrieve extensive information about an OpenStreetMap (OSM) tile by providing the tile URL. This endpoint is highly valuable for developers, geographers, and mapping enthusiasts who need to dissect and analyze the details of a specific tile, including its center, corners, and coordinates on the OSM grid.

Request Parameters:

  • url (Required): The URL of the OSM tile for which the detailed information is desired.

Response Format:

The response will be a JSON object containing the following properties:

  • center: An object with properties lat and lng, indicating the latitude and longitude of the tile’s center.
  • min: An object with properties lat and lng, representing the minimum latitude and longitude values of the tile.
  • max: An object with properties lat and lng, representing the maximum latitude and longitude values of the tile.
  • topLeft: An object with properties lat and lng, representing the latitude and longitude of the tile’s top-left corner.
  • topRight: An object with properties lat and lng, representing the latitude and longitude of the tile’s top-right corner.
  • bottomLeft: An object with properties lat and lng, representing the latitude and longitude of the tile’s bottom-left corner.
  • bottomRight: An object with properties lat and lng, representing the latitude and longitude of the tile’s bottom-right corner.
  • z: The zoom level of the OSM tile.
  • x: The X coordinate of the OSM tile.
  • y: The Y coordinate of the OSM tile.
  • tileUrl: The URL of the OSM tile.

Response Example:

    "center": {
        "lat": 50.0,
        "lng": 49.0
    "min": {
        "lat": 49.705640047702815,
        "lng": 48.705640047702815
    "max": {
        "lat": 50.294359952297185,
        "lng": 49.294359952297185
    "topLeft": {
        "lat": 50.294359952297185,
        "lng": 48.705640047702815
    "topRight": {
        "lat": 50.294359952297185,
        "lng": 49.294359952297185
    "bottomLeft": {
        "lat": 49.705640047702815,
        "lng": 48.705640047702815
    "bottomRight": {
        "lat": 49.705640047702815,
        "lng": 49.294359952297185
    "z": 11,
    "x": 1302,
    "y": 694,
    "tileUrl": ""

Usage Example:

GET /osmTileDetailsByUrl?url=

Ensure to replace the url parameter value with your own OSM tile URL.

Error Handling:

Errors are returned in a standard format. For instance, if you pass an invalid URL, you might receive a response like:

    "error": "Invalid URL."

The /osmTileDetailsByUrl endpoint is a rich source of information for any geospatial project, providing a comprehensive look at the specified OSM tile from various dimensions and coordinates.

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