By Knowledgator | Updated a month ago | Text Analysis
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Zero-shot information extraction system that can work with any text and any domain. It can accurately retrieve relations between entities. You are just required to set a list of relations to extract. We achieve good generalization to new situations such as GPT4, but our system is faster and more explainable. It returns the exact location of entities and probability scores for predictions that you can use for custom filtering or sorting.

What you need:

  • put input text;
  • put a list of candidate relations;
  • optionally put entities list;
  • optionally put pairs of entity categories that exist for each relation;

What you get:

  • list of triplets:
    • Information about source entity: start, end, text
    • Relation name and probability score of prediction;
    • Information about target entity: start, end, text

Key advantages:

  • Fast response;
  • Good generalization to new examples;
  • Interpratable probability scoring of outputs;
  • High precision;

Use cases

Knowledge graph construction - construction of knowledge graphs for analytics purposes or for building a custom recommendation system;
Fact-checking - extract key facts from news and literature to check the validity of specific facts;
Structuring of textual data - extracting only crucial information from text to upload it to spreadsheets;

Check our other APIs

  • Comprehend-it - fast zero-shot text classification service to categorize texts at a scale;
  • Text2Table - extract any table from the text just putting column names and text itself;
  • Web2Meaning - comprehensive web scraper that extracts text from the selected web pages;
  • Zero-shot NER - multi-domain NER system to recognize and classify any entities according to your custom classification;


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