Spotify Scraper

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분류별 DataFanatic | 업데이트됨 il y a 6 jours | Music

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Playlist metadata endpoint error

Rapid account: Brandonhresko
il y a 4 mois

The other day I was playing around with the playlist metadata endpoint and under the [contents] field you could see all the tracks and when they were added to the playlist. [items] under [contents] now shows up as zero.

Rapid account: Brandonhresko
brandonhresko Commented il y a 4 mois

ok i was just forgetting limit and offset values, thanks

Rapid account: Data Fanatic
DataFanatic Commented il y a 4 mois


This endpoint has a default value limit=0 which means it returns an empty list by default. You should specify limit and offset to get as many items as you want.

If you think this is not the case, please tell us the playlist IDs you had problems with.

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