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User Guides

What do you need userid for User Guides. You can find it by using UserID end point to find Userid.

You have to enter userid and count to get User Guides information.
After the first request, you need to send data from end_cursor to paginate.

== very important in pagination

The data you will send as a request:
userid: 25025320
count : 12

The data you will send as pagination:
userid: 25025320
count : 12
end_cursor: QVFCMHAycGRXNkpnVE9aX0tzc2J6QXBVT01aYzQxNVJaejctaE5OejBRRTIxbzBKejY4M2I0dGtLcjc1d2ZtUUxKSUREQlZ1ejlQWmFvUmNNima==