부분 유료
분류별 AI-ON | 업데이트됨 13 days ago | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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서비스 수준


Health Check



Steps to Use:

  1. Authenticate
    • As a first step, you should authenticate with the API. This will allow you to create and manage your own chatbots, and use them for chatting with your users afterwards. After authentication, you’ll receive an “access_token” that will be used for creating a managing your Bots configuration.
  1. Create a Bot
    • Once you have authenticated, you can proceed to creating your own chatbot. You can use the “access_token” received during authentication to, and create your instructions for how the chatbot should behave in its answers. Also, you can choose from a wide range of built-in features and customize the bot according to your needs.
  1. Chat with Bot
    • Once you have created your bot, you (and your users!) can start chatting with it. You’ll not need to pass access_token to use this endpoint, but you’ll need to identify the “user” so the chatbot will maintain the context in between messages. The bot will respond based on the instructions provided during creation.
  1. Manage Bot Configurations
    • Once you have created your bot, you can manage the configurations by using the “access_token” received during authentication.
      4.1. List all My Bots
      • You can view a list of all the bots you have created on the platform.
        4.2. Edit Bot Configuration
      • You can edit the configurations of your bot such as instructions. You can also change the name, instructions, and other settings of your bot.
팔로워: 1
제품 웹사이트
API 생성자 :
Rapid account: AI ON
Rate API에 로그인
등급: 5 - 투표: 1