
부분 유료
분류별 API 4 AI | 업데이트됨 8 days ago | Visual Recognition

9.2 / 10

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서비스 수준


Health Check


팔로워: 6
제품 웹사이트
API 생성자 :
Rapid account: API 4 AI
Rate API에 로그인
등급: 5 - 투표: 1



Service for fashion image classification.

The service classifies input image and responds with fashion classes and their probabilities.


GET /fashion/v1/version Get service version.
POST /fashion/v1/results Perform image analysis and get results.

Get version

Returns an actual version of the service in format vX.Y.Z where X is the version of API.

Endpoint /fashion/v1/version
Method GET
Query parameters
POST parameters



$ curl -X 'GET' ''



Analyse image and return results

Performs actual image analysis and responds with results.

Endpoint /fashion/v1/results
Method POST
Query parameters -
POST parameters image, url

Response schema

For responses with 200 HTTP code the type of response is JSON object with the following schema:

  "results": [
      "status": {
        "code": ...,
        "message": ...
      "name": ...,
      "md5": ...,
      "page": ...,
      "width": ...,
      "height": ...,
      "entities": [
          "kind": "classes",
          "name": "fashion-classes",
          "classes": {

Primary fields:

Name Type Description
results[].status.code string Status code of image processing: ok or failure.
results[].status.message string Human readable explanation for status of image processing.
results[].name string Original image name passed in request (e.g. my_image.jpg).
results[].md5 string MD5 sum of original image passed in request.
results[].page int Optinal page number (presented for multipage inputs only).
results[].width int Optinal image width (presented for valid inputs only).
results[].height int Optinal image height (presented for valid inputs only).
results[].entities[].classes object Predicted classes and probabilities.

Other fields that are not described above always have the same values.

Probabilities are float values in range from 0.0 to 1.0.

Passing image

Image can be passed by posting regular “multipart form data” in two alternative ways:

  • as binary file in image field
  • as URL to some public resource in url field

Image must be a regular JPEG or PNG image (with or without transparency) or PDF file.
Usually such images have extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .pdf. In case of PDF
each page will be converted to PNG image and processed separately.
The service checks input file by MIME type and accepts the following types:

  • image/jpeg
  • image/png
  • application/pdf

The size of image file must be less than 16Mb.



curl -X 'POST' '' -F 'image=@image.jpg'


  "results": [
      "status": {
        "code": "ok",
        "message": "Success"
      "name": "image.jpg",
      "md5": "6ea449c4645b8811eef1342040725687",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 768,
      "entities": [
          "kind": "classes",
          "name": "fashion-classes",
          "classes": {
            "top, t-shirt, sweatshirt": 0.04409244656562805,
            "outwear": 0.008208364248275757,
            "vest": 0.3351793885231018,
            "shorts": 0.009493917226791382

Possible errors

The service can not process an image

When client sends an image that can not be processed for some reason(s), the service responds with 200 code and returns JSON object in the same format as the format for successful analysis. In this case, the results[].status.code will have failure value and results[].status.message will contain relevant explanation.

Example of possible reasons for the issue:

  • Unsupported file MIME type
  • Corrupted image
  • File passed as URL is too big or non downloadable

Example response for corrupted image:

  "results": [
      "status": {
        "code": "failure",
        "message": "Can not load image."
      "name": "file.jpg",
      "md5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
      "entities": []

Request size is too big

Request size is limited by approximately 32Mb.
When client sends request that exceeds this limit, the service responds with 413 code.

The typical reason for exceeding this limit is overly large image.
Taking into account additional HTTP overhead, we strongly recommend to not pass image files of size more than 16Mb.

Example response for too big request:

Error: Request Entity Too Large

Your client issued a request that was too large.

Missing image or url

When client sends a request without an image and url, the service responds with 422 code and returns JSON object.

Example response for request without image or url:

{"detail": "Missing image or url field."}