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분류별 Api Dojo | 업데이트됨 il y a 22 jours | Travel

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Is this legal and ethical to use in our production application?

Rapid account: Abhi 06991
il y a 4 ans

Dear Team,

As this is an unofficial API, my guess is that, these are scraped from the official website.

So, is this even legal? will using this can land me in any trouble ?

Thank you

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented il y a 4 ans

You may give reference link to their site, and their branding in characters. You may not be allowed to use their logo on your site. Their lawyer may contact and demand you to take the logo down in future.

Rapid account: Abhi 06991
abhi06991 Commented il y a 4 ans

Great to hear that. Thank you for clarifying.

Also, one more ques, can I use the logo while showing the hotel reviews to the users, since its their users ?

Rapid account: Rail
Rail Commented il y a 4 ans

Crawling a website is absolutely legal.
As long as no security barriers had to be circumvented.

It is at maximum an AGB violation if an account had to be used.

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