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분류별 Api Dojo | 업데이트됨 24 days ago | Food

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Sort results by most popular

Rapid account: Jake Hp Zc Uiue F
a year ago

The quality of the results that are returned from the /recipes/list endpoint seem to be a bit unreliable compared to those that are returned on the tasty website (mainly the photos).

After looking into this, it looks like you are returning results sorted by latest, why is that? Will you be able to expose a parameter to allow us to choose whether to sort the results by latest or most popular?

Example of search sorted by latest:

Example of search sorted by most popular:

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented a year ago


…/recipes/list endpoint now supports sort parameter. You leave it empty (or simply ignore) to sort by popular as default OR one of the following : approved_at:desc|approved_at:asc


Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented a year ago


I have forwarded your request to the IT team for review. You will receive notification if there is any news released.


Rapid account: Jake Hp Zc Uiue F
jake-HpZcUiueF Commented a year ago

Hey yes I am looking on the tasty.co website and there is a dropdown box available to change the order of returned recipes when you search. You can even see in their search URL that there is a sort query parameter… Please use the two links below to see how the recipe search results change based on that query param.

  1. https://tasty.co/search?q=chicken+soup&sort=popular
  2. https://tasty.co/search?q=chicken+soup&sort=latest

Also, the links I sent in the original post shows how the sort can be applied to their public search API

Rapid account: Apidojo
apidojo Commented a year ago


This API reproduces PUBLIC data and features of tasty.co. If you use the site/application, you will see there is no sorting option to change the order of returned recipes.


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