Instagram Scraper 2022

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The same posts or stories may return different media urls?

Rapid account: Ohotinap
2 месяца назад

The same posts or stories may return different media links if i try to get media by separate requests.

Is this a proxy reason? Each request use different proxy? And Insta return different media urls?

And sometimes urls is not readable for my region.

So how i can use same region proxies to get exact media urls?

Rapid account: Kallie Kaiser
KallieKaiser Commented месяц назад

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Rapid account: Arraybobo
arraybobo Commented 2 месяца назад

Media Info and Download -> No CORS Media BETA

Rapid account: Ohotinap
ohotinap Commented 2 месяца назад

how to do it? how to set “no cors”? where? when? can you give example, please?

Rapid account: Arraybobo
arraybobo Commented 2 месяца назад

You can use No cors to get a permanent link to the media, all data will be stored on our servers

Rapid account: Arraybobo
arraybobo Commented 2 месяца назад

Hi, media urls change automatically, this is the specifics of instagram itself, each link has a certain lifetime

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