Instagram Scraper 2022

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Inconsistencies in Story Retrieval API

Rapid account: Pierrerovahamribola
2 महीने पहले

I am writing to bring to your attention an urgent issue we have encountered with your API for retrieving stories. We are experiencing inconsistent responses when attempting to fetch story data.
For example, when trying to retrieve stories from certain Instagram accounts (e.g.,, the API occasionally returns an empty response despite the account having multiple active stories. Here is the JSON response we received in one such instance:
“reels”: [],
“status”: “ok”,
“unrelated_data”: {
“retry”: 3,
“id_acc”: “2126556”,
“proxy_info”: “ARM 2”,
“time_gen”: 0.84
Clearly, the status being “ok” is misleading under these circumstances. Restarting the request sometimes resolves the issue, resulting in a correct response with the expected story data. However, the inconsistency remains a significant concern.
We kindly request your assistance in resolving this issue. Specifically, it would be beneficial if the system could automatically retry when it fails to fetch the expected data. In the worst-case scenario, returning an error message that allows us to initiate a retry manually would be a more reliable fail-safe than the current misleading “ok” status.
We appreciate your attention to this issue and look forward to your prompt resolution. Please keep us updated on your progress.
Thank you for your support.
Best regards,

Rapid account: Arraybobo
arraybobo Commented 2 महीने पहले

Hello, work was done on the stories endpoint, which, even if there was a story in the account, could return an empty response. And also, if the stories are not found, the error Stories not found will be returned

Rapid account: Luckydongang
luckydongang Commented 2 महीने पहले

Hello, OK let me know your progress please

Rapid account: Arraybobo
arraybobo Commented 2 महीने पहले

Hi, thanks for contacting us, we will definitely check it out

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