Mapilion - Vector and Raster Map Tiles

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분류별 Robin | 업데이트됨 il y a 15 jours | Mapping

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Use Vector Tiles with Maplibre-GL

Vector tiles can be consumed with most vector tile map libraries that support the Mapbox Vector Tile standard.

We provide a few pre-configured styles for you that allow you to start easily. These can be consumed by Mapbox-GL, Maplibre-GL, and other Vector Tile libraries like VTM.

Here is an example using the Maplibre-GL-JS library:

import { Map } from ''

const rapidAPIKey = "[YOUR_RAPID_API_KEY]"

const map = new Map({
  container: "map",
  style: `${rapidAPIKey}`,
  center: [1, 45],
  zoom: 3