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"Understanding the code for a server that processes and serves image data"

Rapid account: Businessangelsunited
год назад

This code is a server that listens for incoming HTTP requests on port 8000. It has two endpoints: ‘/send_picture’ and ‘/get_picture’.

The ‘/send_picture’ endpoint accepts POST requests that contain a JSON body with an ‘image_data’ field. It decodes the image data from base64 and saves it to a file called ‘image.jpg’ in the same directory as the code. It then sends a response with a status of ‘success’.

The ‘/get_picture’ endpoint accepts GET requests and responds with a JSON body that contains the ‘image_data’ field. It reads the ‘image.jpg’ file, encodes it as base64, and sends it in the response.

This server is built using the Express.js web framework, which is imported at the top with the line const express = require(‘express’);. The body-parser and fs (file system) modules are also imported and used in this code to handle the image data. The path module is used to get the directory path of the code file so that the image file can be saved and read from the correct location.

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