Web Audio APIs

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Web Audio API

About Web Audio APIs

Sound is a vital aspect when explaining concepts on websites or listening to music online. While audio files remain very useful in our day-to-day life, sound quality is critical. Low-quality audio turns off listeners, and the intended message does not get through. Achieving better audio quality will require better tools in the online browsers called the Web Audio APIs.

A Web Audio API is a set of high-level libraries written in C++ or JavaScript that helps process and harmonize audio in web browsers.

How web audio APIs works

The API taps into the client-side computer and use the analog to digital converter using an object called the base audio context. To use the API, you must create a first instance of the audio context constructor. The constructor calls out functions to create various audio nodes referenced and linked to the audio context.

The audio nodes are of three types, sources, destination, and effects. To make sound, you have to create a source node such as an oscillator node or a buffer node. The source code is connected to the destination node created when the audio context is instantiated.

A destination node taps into the browser’s pre-existing computer connection. The nodes are typically written using JavaScript.


Developers - The web audio API contains a robust system that is changeable and can control audio on the web. This system includes a database where developers can use a source for audios, create visualizations using the audios, and add or apply audio effects.

Developers can later use the audios they have worked on to integrate them into applications that can be useful to their clients.

Musicians - The JavaScript based API can produce an audio and duplicate feature from the desktop audio production application. Some of these features include processing, mixing, and filtering sound.

The ability to extract data such as waveform and frequency from an audio source can help create visualizations and create interactive instruments. Musicians can then use these features to simplify their work while creating a great library of audios that would sell to their audience.


  • Supports various sources with different channels
  • Has the ability to create sophisticated and dynamic audio effects
  • It allows the user to control the audio spatiality.


The web audio APIs will continue to provide solutions for decoding and encoding media files. Further, the success of the features in these APIs will depend on how the users will receive them.

A free API under this category is the twitch API.

Web Audio API SDKs

All web audio APIs are supported and made available in multiple developer programming languages and SDKs including:

  1. Node.js
  2. PHP
  3. Python
  4. Ruby
  5. Objective-C
  6. Java (Android)
  7. C# (.NET)
  8. cURL

Just select your preference from any API endpoints page.

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