Shazam API

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분류별 DiyorjonAxmadjonov | 업데이트됨 2ヶ月前 | Music

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Similar Songs bugged

I hard coded the api to make to so that it only returned similar songs for a specific track_id that i picked (this track id worked when i tested it on the website). But on my actual website, it returns the data as undefined eventhough when i look at my network, the api returns a status code 200. Is this a bug with the actual api?

Rapid account: Diyorbekkanal
diyorbekkanal Commented 3ヶ月前

Technical work is completed, you can test the API )

Rapid account: Espinallab
espinallab Commented 4ヶ月前

I’m having the same issue with this API. Something changed recently that is causing issues and the API is returning data as undefined as this user is reporting. Also I tried running my script today and now the API is down. I’m getting the following error message in the console:

“messages”: “The API is unreachable, please contact the API provider”,
“info”: “Your Client (working) —> Gateway (working) —> API (not working)”

Please can you investigate what’s going on? Thank you.

Rapid account: Diyorbekkanal
diyorbekkanal Commented 4ヶ月前

then you change your code

Rapid account: Kashyaptan 2004 Bkgjw Qh G 150
kashyaptan2004-BkgjwQhG150 Commented 4ヶ月前

It is only happing in my code, it works on the rapidapi vsc extension and also on website.

Rapid account: Diyorbekkanal
diyorbekkanal Commented 4ヶ月前

is this only happening in your code or also when you test on

Rapid account: Kashyaptan 2004 Bkgjw Qh G 150
kashyaptan2004-BkgjwQhG150 Commented 4ヶ月前

import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from ‘@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react’;

export const shazamApi = createApi({
reducerPath: ‘shazamApi’,
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: ‘’,
prepareHeaders: (headers) => {
headers.set(‘X-RapidAPI-Key’, ‘5af55334cbmsh6c9dd08dc73079cp152cdbjsn87281ce127b8’);
return headers;
endpoints: (builder) => ({
getTopCharts: builder.query({
query: () => /top_tracks_country?country_code=US&limit=20,
getTracks: builder.query({
query: (searchQuery) => /search_track/?query=${searchQuery}&limit=6,
getSimilarSongs: builder.query({
query: (trackid) => /similar_tracks/?track_id=${trackid}&limit=8&offset=0,

export const { useGetTopChartsQuery, useGetTracksQuery, useGetSimilarSongsQuery} = shazamApi;
This is the api code

This is me hard coding the trackID:

const testSongId = 673104339
const { similarSongsData: songData, isFetchingSong, similarSongError } = useGetSimilarSongsQuery(testSongId);

i hard coded the trackID to test what the api was returning and sondData keeps returning undefined.

Rapid account: Diyorbekkanal
diyorbekkanal Commented 4ヶ月前

Can you send a screenshoot please

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