
부분 유료
분류별 Esmatullah niazi | 업데이트됨 il y a un mois | Movies

0.3 / 10

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This API provides the latest movies info and download links,

This API has 5 endpoints:

1. All Movies:

A GET request to this endpoint will retrieve 20 (default number) movies that are sorted by the latest release dates.
you can customize your request by adding the limit of movies retrieved on request and also you can specify the number of pages.
for example, page = 1, limit =20 will result in fetching the first 20 movies from database, page = 2 will result in fetching the second 20 movies from the database.
NOTE: The maximum limit is 25.
NOTE: This endpoint does not include detailed info and download links of a movie, please use the id property available in this endpoint in the Movie endpoint to retrieve detailed info and download links of a movie.

docs for other endpoints will be published soon.

팔로워: 0
제품 웹사이트
API 생성자 :
Rapid account: Esmatullah Niazi
Esmatullah niazi
Rate API에 로그인
등급: 5 - 투표: 1