
분류별 Frederic Cambus | 업데이트됨 25 days ago | Location

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429 error code in telize respone

Rapid account: Pablovezgz
7 years ago

We’re getting this error since yesterday in all our API calls to telize:

GET… error_code: 429 ()

Do you know the error? Is some problem with our billing plan? Did we exceded the limit? What can we do to fix this as fast as possible?

Rapid account: Flying L 123
flyingL123 Commented 7 years ago

I’m seeing this same issue on my website. I am getting at 429 “Too many requests. Please try again.” response on about 30% of the requests. I just started noticing this for the first time today.

Do we know what was causing this?

Rapid account: Fcambus
fcambus Commented 7 years ago

It was an issue with the Mashape proxy, and everything should be resolved on their side now.

Please let me know if you are still encountering any issue.

Best regards.

Rapid account: Fcambus
fcambus Commented 7 years ago


Are you getting the same error message mentioned in this issue?

We do not have any rate limiting on our side, but Mashape proxy might. If it persists, please contact Mashape support directly regarding this issue, they can be reached by e-mail at:

Let me know if they were able to help.

Best regards.

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