
분류별 Frederic Cambus | 업데이트됨 il y a 23 jours | Location

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Subscription plan...

Rapid account: Johanhedin
il y a 8 ans

I got an email that said that my subscription plan was used up. I am using the USD 7 per day and it includes 1000 look ups per day. How is this possible as I am not even close to use up 1000 per day…

Let me know


Rapid account: Fcambus
fcambus Commented il y a 8 ans


I see statistics in my Mashape dashboard, in the “Analytics & Settings” section. However, as my account is an API provider account and yours an API consumer account, your statistics might be available in a different section, but it’s the exact same graph.

Here are some screenshots from April 1st to April 5th.

The three days with overages represent a total of 408 requests over quota (105+128+175), so you will be charged a $0.204 overage (408*0.0005). Unless you go over quota again, there is no need to upgrade.


Rapid account: Johanhedin
johanhedin Commented il y a 8 ans

Hi Fcambus
Where do you see this? I cannot access it?
April 1st - 1105 requests
April 4th - 1128 requests
April 5th - 1175 requests

We are being lied to or the system is not calculating this correctly. You charge by request, so we get on average 30 requests per day but paying for 1000 per day for USD7 and you tell us to upgrade. I am very confused…Thanks Johan

Rapid account: Fcambus
fcambus Commented il y a 8 ans


Requests are counted by Mashape proxies, they use Kong for API management. Regarding the platform you use, I have no way to know how they use Telize, sorry. You will have to contact them directly to ask for details.

You can monitor your API requests, latency, and errors from application analytics in your Mashape Dashboard. This direct URL might work :


Rapid account: Johanhedin
johanhedin Commented il y a 8 ans

Im confused. How is this possible? How do you count them. So we use a platform and when the lead comes into the platform you extract the ip location…so that means we are getting 1000 leads per day?

I dont know how to access the analytics section…Can you let me know pls.


Rapid account: Fcambus
fcambus Commented il y a 8 ans


From what I can see on my side, there were three days in April with a higher number of requests :

  • April 1st - 1105 requests
  • April 4th - 1128 requests
  • April 5th - 1175 requests

You can check your usage in the the Analytics section of your account, changing view to “Last Month” will show you daily totals.


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