Champions League Live Scores

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분류별 Simone | 업데이트됨 24 дня назад | Sports

7.7 / 10

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Match results for knockout stages

Rapid account: Brunom
5 лет назад

The match results endpoint requires a matchday parameter and this makes sense during group stage but how to get the results for knockout stages?

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented 5 лет назад

you can continue to use the matchday parameter with increasing numbers, for example with matchday=10 and matchday=11 you can get the upcoming matches.
You can either use only the date parameter(we have to review the documentation page) if you know the exact date for a match (ex date=04162019).
Querying the endpoint without a parameter should give you the matches for the day if any.
Let us know for any further doubt.
Have a nice day.

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