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분류별 Justin | 업데이트됨 5 दिन पहले | Health and Fitness

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"You are not subscribed to this API."

Rapid account: 0902 Cs 171038
2 वर्ष पहले

Hi ExerciseDB Team,
Please help me in this!

Rapid account: Popular 11 Demand
popular11demand Commented एक वर्ष पहले

yes the env in the src folder instead of the root of the project was the fix for me. I was getting not subscribed to this API beforehand.

Thank you halibal.

Rapid account: Nahuelfdev
nahuelfdev Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

https://rapidapi.com/justin-WFnsXH_t6/api/exercisedb/discussions/30748 como se menciona aquí:
“Esto parece un error común cuando tiene su archivo .env almacenado en src en lugar de la raíz de su proyecto. Intente moverlo y luego reinicie su servidor. Eso debería funcionar."

funcionó para mí

Lo solucione de esa manera también. Gracias!

Rapid account: Ovuobachidera 19
ovuobachidera19 Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

@halibal bro you are a life saver

Rapid account: Oladeleshadey
oladeleshadey Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

click on pricing and subscribe to the $0.00 plan, then u can start using your API, it worked for me

Rapid account: Halibal
halibal Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

https://rapidapi.com/justin-WFnsXH_t6/api/exercisedb/discussions/30748 as mentioned here:
“This seems like a common error when you have you .env file stored in src instead of root of your project. Try moving it and then restarting your server. That should work.”

It worked for me

Rapid account: Shanwijendradev
shanwijendradev Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

I did restart the server. But the problem is still the same

Rapid account: Agungdwika 99 9 O Ab HV Htth
agungdwika99-9OAbHVHtth- Commented 2 वर्ष पहले

i see, restart your server.

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