Currency Converter

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분류별 Bhavya Kachhadiya | 업데이트됨 2달 전 | Finance
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How to Use API

The currency converter API provided by the API provider has two endpoints:

/currency_converter: This endpoint allows you to convert an amount from one currency to another. The endpoint accepts the following parameters:
amount: The amount to be converted.
from_currency: The currency to be converted from.
to_currency: The currency to be converted to.
The endpoint returns a JSON object containing the converted amount, as well as some additional information.

/currencies: This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of available currencies. The endpoint does not require any parameters and returns a JSON object containing a list of currency codes.

To use the currency converter API through its endpoints, you can make HTTP requests to the API’s endpoint URLs, passing the required parameters as query parameters in the URL. For example, to convert 100 USD to EUR, you would make an HTTP GET request to the following URL:
The API would then return a JSON object containing the converted amount, as well as some additional information.

To retrieve a list of available currencies, you can make an HTTP GET request to the following URL:
The API would then return a JSON object containing a list of currency codes.

You can make HTTP requests to the API’s endpoint URLs using any programming language or tool that supports HTTP requests. The example Python code provided in the previous query is one way to make HTTP requests to the API’s endpoints using the Flask framework.

That’s it! With this information, you should be able to use the currency converter API provided by the API provider through its endpoints. If you encounter any issues, refer to the API provider’s documentation or contact their support team for assistance.