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JSON errors

Rapid account: Successdanesy

i’ve implemented the API for my chatbot school project with image generation using flutter dart, the problem i have right now is that, i keep getting json error codes on the debug console of my IDE and it then doesn’t display those responses on my app interface. this is the error i keep getting

“Launching lib/main.dart on Chrome in debug mode…
This app is linked to the debug service: ws://
Debug service listening on ws://
Connecting to VM Service at ws://
SEVERE: 2024-05-08 13:43:30.131: Error processing text input: FormatException: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘A’, “An interna”… is not valid JSON
Restarted application in 11,130ms.”

and that is what shows on the interface of my app, so even when the API does return a valid reply, it only does on the backend (debug console) and not on the app interface. there are many languages on the api documentation, out of which i chose (shell) cURL, could that be an issue ?

Rapid account: Letscrape 6 B R Ba 3 Qgu O 5
letscrape-6bRBa3QguO5 Commented 1ヶ月前


Thank you for your message.

Can you print out the raw API response coming from the API?

Can you also attach the code that makes the request to the API?

Thank you,
Adam @ OpenWeb Ninja

Rapid account: Successdanesy
successdanesy Commented 1ヶ月前

i got this reply from chatgpt

The error message you provided indicates a FormatException with the description “SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘A’”. This suggests that there is an issue with the format of the JSON response received from the API. The error message implies that the JSON parser encountered an unexpected token (‘A’) while trying to parse the response, which caused the parsing process to fail.

This error is likely not related to the language chosen in the API documentation. The choice of language typically only affects how you construct the request to the API, not the format of the response.

To address this issue, you should inspect the actual response received from the API to identify any anomalies or unexpected characters that might be causing the JSON parsing error. It’s possible that the response is not well-formed JSON, or there may be additional content (such as HTML tags or error messages) included in the response that is not part of the expected JSON structure.

Once you identify the root cause of the JSON parsing error, you can adjust your code to handle the response appropriately. This might involve implementing more robust error handling mechanisms or modifying the parsing logic to accommodate variations in the response format.

If you’re unsure how to troubleshoot the issue further, you can also reach out to the API provider for assistance or consult the API documentation to ensure that you’re correctly interpreting the expected format of the response.

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