Real-Time Web Search

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분류별 OpenWeb Ninja | 업데이트됨 6 дней назад | Data

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Missing Optional Parameters

Rapid account: Kubaitis
год назад

gl for country code
hl for language code
uule for localization

If you have an endpoint that lets people submit the query string q=keywords&gl=US&hl=en etc… then the system will work for tools

Rapid account: Letscrape 6 B R Ba 3 Qgu O 5
letscrape-6bRBa3QguO5 Commented год назад

Thank you for your interest! I am hoping to start looking into it in the next few days, if all goes well, a full SERP API is likely to be available in a month or two. I’ll drop an update here when it’s ready.

Rapid account: Nicolasjarin
nicolasjarin Commented год назад

Interested ! When do you think features will be available ? thanks

Rapid account: Letscrape 6 B R Ba 3 Qgu O 5
letscrape-6bRBa3QguO5 Commented год назад

This is a fast and simple version of a SERP API - I have a full SERP (or close to it) API on my roadmap which is going to support the parameters you mentioned.

Stay tuned and thanks for the feedback!

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