
분류별 Miki Lior | 업데이트됨 לפני 24 ימים | Business Software

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Clearbit Package


How to get credentials:

  1. Go to Clearbit website
  2. Register or log in
  3. Go to API page to get your apiKey

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Lets you retrieve social information associated with an email address, such as a person’s name, location and Twitter handle.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from Clearbit
email String The email to search
webhookUrl String A webhook URL that results will be sent to.
givenName String First name of person.
familyName String Last name of person. If you have this, passing this is strongly recommended to improve match rates.
ipAddress String IP address of the person. If you have this, passing this is strongly recommended to improve match rates.
location String The city or country where the person resides.
company String The name of the person’s employer.
companyDomain String The domain for the person’s employer.
linkedin String The LinkedIn URL for the person.
twitter String The Twitter handle for the person.
facebook String The Facebook URL for the person.


Subscribe to changes in people’s information. Whenever we receive updates, we’ll post them to the webhook url associated with your account. This will count as an API call.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from Clearbit
email String The email to search
webhookUrl String A webhook URL that results will be sent to.
givenName String First name of person.
familyName String Last name of person. If you have this, passing this is strongly recommended to improve match rates.
ipAddress String IP address of the person. If you have this, passing this is strongly recommended to improve match rates.
location String The city or country where the person resides.
company String The name of the person’s employer.
companyDomain String The domain for the person’s employer.
linkedin String The LinkedIn URL for the person.
twitter String The Twitter handle for the person.
facebook String The Facebook URL for the person.


This endpoint allows you to let us know if a person doesn’t seem quite right. You can flag a person as incorrect and also optionally pass through a correct set of attributes.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from Clearbit
personId String Id of the person you’d like to flag as inaccurate.
givenName String First name of person.
familyName String Last name of person. If you have this, passing this is strongly recommended to improve match rates.
employmentTitle String Company title
companyDomain String The domain for the person’s employer.
linkedinHandle String LinkedIn url (i.e. /pub/alex-maccaw/78/929/ab5)
twitterHandle String Twitter screen name
facebookHandle String Facebook ID or screen name
githubHandle String GitHub handle
googleplusHandle String Google Plus handle.
aboutmeHandle String handle.


Allows you to look up a company by their domain

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from Clearbit
domain String The domain to search
webhookUrl String A webhook URL that results will be sent to.
companyName String The name of the company.
linkedin String The LinkedIn URL for the company.
twitter String The Twitter handle for the company.
facebook String The Facebook URL for the company.


You can flag a company as incorrect and also optionally pass through a correct set of attributes.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from Clearbit
companyId String Id of the company you’d like to flag as inaccurate.
name String Name of company.
tags List List of market categories the company is involved in
description String Description of the company
raised Number Total amount raised
location String Address of company
facebookHandle String Facebook ID or screen name
crunchbaseHandle String Crunchbase handle
twitterHandle String Twitter screen name
linkedinHandle String LinkedIn URL (i.e. /pub/alex-maccaw/78/929/ab5)
employees Number Amount of employees
logo String SRC of company logo
emailProvider Boolean Is the domain associated with a free email provider (i.e. Gmail)?
type Select Type of company (education, government, nonprofit, private, public, personal)


This endpoint expects an email address, and will return an object containing both the person and company (if found). A call to the combined lookup will only count as one API call.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from Clearbit
email String The email to search
webhookUrl String A webhook URL that results will be sent to.
givenName String First name of person.
familyName String Last name of person. If you have this, passing this is strongly recommended to improve match rates.
ipAddress String IP address of the person. If you have this, passing this is strongly recommended to improve match rates.
location String The city or country where the person resides.
company String The name of the person’s employer.
companyDomain String The domain for the person’s employer.
linkedin String The LinkedIn URL for the person.
twitter String The Twitter handle for the person.
facebook String The Facebook URL for the person.
webhookId String Custom identifier for the webhook request.
subscribe Boolean Set to true to subscribe to the changes to the person.


Lets you auto-complete company names and retreive logo and domain information.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Api key obtained from Clearbit
name String The partial name to search


Returns link to company logo

Field Type Description
domain String The domain of the company.
format Select Image format, either “png” or “jpg” (defaults to png)
size Number Image size: length of longest side in pixels (default is 128)
greyscale Boolean Desaturates image if passed (defaults to false)
팔로워: 17
제품 웹사이트
API 생성자 :
Rapid account: Miki Lior
Miki Lior
Rate API에 로그인
등급: 5 - 투표: 1