Resume parser and analyzer

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Uploading and Retrieving CV Data

Tutorial: Uploading and Retrieving CV Data


  • Prepare a CV in a PDF file, ensuring it fits the following criteria:

    • Maximum file size: 10mb
    • Maximum length: 5 pages
    • Supported languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and more than 30 other languages.
  • Find and secure your authentication RapidAPI key. You can obtain this key by navigating to Endpoints - (any endpoint) - Header Parameters: X-RapidAPI-Key

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Uploading CV

To begin, upload your resume using the Upload CV endpoint.

This action requires multipart-form data to be sent. The key should be labeled file, and the value should be your exact file.

Upon successfully uploading the CV, you will receive an ID for the CV instance and a status marked initialized.

Here’s an example of how to do this using Python:

filename = "resume.pdf"
file = BinaryIO(b"...")
response = await
    files={"file": (filename, file, "application/pdf")},

Step 2: Retrieving Detailed CV Information

Once you have the CV uploaded, you can send a request to retrieve its detailed information using the Get a detailed CV endpoint.

The response will contain a status. If the status equals succeeded, the person object in the response will contain the parsed data from the CV.

Step 3: Listing All Uploaded CVs

If you need a list of all uploaded CVs at any point, there’s an endpoint for that as well. More details about this can be provided upon request.