U.S.A Sales Taxes per Zip Code

분류별 Pedro Rodriguez | 업데이트됨 il y a 17 jours | Commerce

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more code samples?

Rapid account: Fishtail
il y a un an

hi, can you show how it’d look in LotusScript?

this is my code, the value returned was not expected:

Dim session As New NotesSession

Set webRequest = session.CreateHTTPRequest()

Call webRequest.SetHeaderField("X-RapidAPI-Key", "MYKEY")
Call webRequest.SetHeaderField("X-RapidAPI-Host", "u-s-a-sales-taxes-per-zip-code.p.rapidapi.com")
webURL = "https://u-s-a-sales-taxes-per-zip-code.p.rapidapi.com/ZIPCODE"
ret = webRequest.Get(webURL)
headers = webRequest.GetResponseHeaders()

thanks in advance.
Rapid account: Perodriguezl
perodriguezl Commented il y a un an

I have not worked with LotusScript, but, I would think: this is a good example: https://www.proudprogrammer.no/web/ppblog.nsf/d6plinks/GANI-AS4MJ8

Rapid account: Perodriguezl
perodriguezl Commented il y a un an

Hi, looking at it right now. I’ll get back to you.

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