Face Comparison API

부분 유료
Health Check



Get % of similarity between 2 faces. You will get face bio data for each face in the images.

Request Body

  "image1": "BASE64_ENCODED_IMAGE_DATA_1",
  "image2": "BASE64_ENCODED_IMAGE_DATA_2"

API Response

    'message': 'success',
    'status': 'success',
    'image1' : {
                    'name': "image name",
                    'nFaces': Integer,
                    'faces': bioData for FACE[
                                'data': "base64 of cropped face", 
                                'bbox': Array of  face box[x1, y1, x2, y2],
                                'confidence': Float (Face Probability),
                                'name': image_name + f"_face_{i}",
                                'embeddings': Array (face embeddings),
                                'biometric': {
                                                    'imageWidth': Float,
                                                    'imageHeight': Float,
                                                    'imageChannelsNumber': Integer,
                                                    'imageWidthToHeight' : Float,
                                                    'faceMidPointHorizontalPosition' : Float,
                                                    'faceMidPointVerticalPosition' : Float,
                                                    'eyeDistance' : Float,
                                                    'yaw': Float,
                                                    'pitch': Float,
                                                    'roll': Float
    'image2': Similar information,
    'similarity': Array of Similarity Score between each faces [{
                    'face_1_name': image_name_with_face_number,
                    'face_1_data': base64 image of cropped face,
                    'face_2_name': image_name_with_face_number,
                    'face_2_data': base64 image of cropped face,
                    'sim_score': Float

Error Handling

    'message': 'Image1 base64 is not valid!',
    'status': 'failed',

    'message': 'Image2 base64 is not valid!',
    'status': 'failed',

    'message': 'No Faces Found in the image1 {image1_name}',
    'status': 'failed',

    'message': 'No Faces Found in the image 2 {image2_name}',
    'status': 'failed',
팔로워: 1
API 생성자 :
Rapid account: Quantilence AI Solutions
Quantilence AI Solutions
Rate API에 로그인
등급: 5 - 투표: 1