
분류별 Denis Raygorodskij | 업데이트됨 месяц назад | Business Software

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Mattermark Package

Research the Companies & Employees Who Matter Most.Get actionable insights by syncing over 80 informative fields to help warm leads and power conversations from first touch to deal close. Get all the relevant information from inside Salesforce, and apply triggers and actions to any lead, opportunity, or other object.

How to get credentials:

  1. Register on the
  2. After registration , you can obtain your API key from your API settings page

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


The search endpoint can be used to query for a company based on a keyword you define, and is also useful to provide autocompletion for common queries, such as by company name or domain.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
searchQuery String The term to query by.


The search endpoint can be used to query for a investors based on a keyword you define.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
searchQuery String The term to query by.


The company list allows you to retrieve all companies, or a list of companies filtered by one or many parameters.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
domain String The domain of the company’s website.
companyName String The company’s name.
startAddedDate DatePicker The date the company started being tracked by Mattermark.
endAddedDate DatePicker The date the company ended being tracked by Mattermark.
mattermarkScore String The current Mattermark score of the company.Numeric range.
momentumScore String The latest weekly momentum score of the company.Numeric range.
employees String The number of employees currently at the company.Numeric range.
employeesMonthAgo String Count of employees one month ago.Numeric range.
employeesAddedInMonth String Count of employees added this month.Numeric range.
employeesMom String The percent employee growth during that month.Numeric range.
cachedUniques String The estimated monthly unique visitors to the company’s website.Numeric range.
cachedUniquesWeekAgo String The estimated monthly unique visitors to the company’s website during the past 7 days.Numeric range.
uniquesWow String The percent change in the estimated monthly unique visitors to the company’s website in the past 7 days.Numeric range.
cachedUniquesMonthAgo String The estimated monthly unique visitors to the company’s website during the past month.Numeric range.
uniquesMom String The percent change in the estimated monthly unique visitors to the company’s website in the past month.Numeric range.
cachedMobileDownloads String The estimated monthly mobile downloads from the U.S. iTunes app store.Numeric range.
cachedMobileDownloadsWeekAgo String The estimated monthly mobile downloads one week ago from the U.S. iTunes app store.Numeric range.
mobileDownloadsWow String The change in the estimated monthly mobile downloads from the U.S. iTunes app store during the past week.Numeric range.
cachedMobileDownloadsMonthAgo String The count of the estimated monthly mobile downloads from the U.S. iTunes app store during the past month.Numeric range.
mobileDownloadsMom String The growth of the estimated monthly mobile downloads from the U.S. iTunes app store during the past month.Numeric range.
estFoundingDates List The estimated founding date of the company.
stages List The most recent funding round for the company.
hasGooglePlay Select Companies that have a Google Play application.
hasItunes Select Companies that have an iTunes application.
playCategory List The Google Play store categories of applications associated with the company.
itunesCategory List The iTunes store categories of applications associated with the company.
businessModels List The business models employed by the company to generate revenue.
industries List The industries the company operates within.
keywords List Keywords associated with the company.
page Number The page of items from the result set to return.
perPage Number The numbers of items to return per page.


Retrieve a specific company.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
companyId String Id of the company.


The company stories endpoint retrieves the 50 latest news articles about the specified company.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
companyId String Id of the company.


The similar companies endpoint returns up to 20 of the most similar companies ordered related to the specified company.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
companyId String Id of the company.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve key personnel for a specific company in our database.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
companyId String Id of the company.


This endpoint allows you to retrieve contact information for a specific person at a company.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
companyId String Id of the company.
fullName String The full name of the individual to find contact information for.


Retrieve a list of funding events for a specific query.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
amount Number money reported raised in the funding round.
cities List Pipe separated list of city names.
countries List List of three character country codes.
startFundingDate DatePicker Start funding date.
endFundingDate DatePicker End funding date.Use only with startFundingDate.
investorIds List List of investor ids.
investorSlugs List List of investor slugs, see Investors to get a list of all investors.
series Select List of series.
page Number The page of items from the result set to return.
perPage Number The numbers of items to return per page.


Returns details for a specific investor. Information includes the size of their portfolio and some stats around their portfolio and funding deals.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
investorId String The ID of the investor to retrieve.


Returns a list of portfolio companies for a specific investor.

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
investorId String The ID of the investor to retrieve.


Returns a list of investors matching the MSFL query. The Mattermark Semantic Filter Language allows you to perform a complex query in a single request.See more here

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your api key.
dataset Select Select of the dataset.
filter JSON Json filter object.
sort JSON Json sort object.
page Number The page of items from the result set to return.
perPage Number The numbers of items to return per page.
Example for filter field
{ "portfolio_size":{"gte":100}}
Example for sort field
팔로워: 2
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API 생성자 :
Rapid account: Denis Raygorodskij
Denis Raygorodskij
Rate API에 로그인
등급: 5 - 투표: 1