MangaVerse API

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분류별 Rofie Sagara | 업데이트됨 2 месяца назад | Entertainment

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Can't view images of a chapter

Rapid account: Timchinye 123
5 месяцев назад

Under the “Fetch Images” endpoint, the example respponses provides an array of pages as it should but, for the first page it provides this link:

When you go on the web page it says:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

If I subscribe (to the free plan) and actually test the endpoint, the images work as expected.

Rapid account: Sagararofie
sagararofie Commented 4 месяца назад

Hi timchinye123

For the example response its just to make easier the developer to build schema, you dont need to worry about token stuff, cause its will be give you the valid token, so no need to worry about token issue.

Kind Regards.

Rapid account: Timchinye 123
timchinye123 Commented 5 месяцев назад

Ah I see, however the issue with that is while I’m looking for an API that does what I need it to do, I don’t want to waste my time subscribing to a bunch of APIs and then figuring out how they work, and then using them. It’s much easier to see the example responses.

So, you’re missing out on potential users for your API

Rapid account: Sagararofie
sagararofie Commented 5 месяцев назад

Hi timchinye123,
For the access image it use the token that only valid for 7 days, so you can request again with Fetch Images and will be get the new Token,

So for the example response its expired link for the image, so just request new one and you will be get fresh link with fresh token.

Kind Regards

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