
분류별 Stefan Skliarov | 업데이트됨 9 days ago | Video, Images

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Vimeo Package

Vimeo is a video sharing platform that was launched in 2004 by a group of filmmakers.

  • Domain: Vimeo
  • Credentials: clientId, clientSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Item one
  2. Item two

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Get access token

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client Id received from Vimeo
clientSecret credentials Client secret received from Vimeo
code String Code provided by client
redirectUri String Redirect uri for your application


Verify user access token

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo


Revoke user access token

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo


Create an album

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
name String Album name
description String Album description
password String The album’s password. Required if privacy=password.
privacy Select The album’s privacy level.
sort Select The default sort order of an album’s videos.
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all users’ albums

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all users’ albums

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get single users’ album

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
albumId String Id of the album
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Update existing users’ album

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
albumId String Id of the album
name String Album new name
description String Album new description
privacy Select The album’s privacy level.
sort Select The default sort order of an album’s videos.
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Add a video to an album

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
albumId String Id of the album
videoId String Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all videos in the album

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
albumId String Id of the album
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Check if an album contains a video.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
albumId String Id of the album
videoId String Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Delete a video from an album

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
albumId String Id of the album
videoId String Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Clear or replace the videos in an album.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
albumId String Id of the album
videoIds List Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Delete an album

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
albumId String Id of the album
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all categories

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.


Get a category

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
categoryName String Name of the category


Add up to two categories and a subcategory to a video. This is merely a suggestion, and does not ensure that the video will added to the category.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
category String Id of the category


Check for a video in a category

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
categoryName String Name of the category


Check if a user follows a category

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
categoryName String Name of the category
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all categories a user follows

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all categories a video is in

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video


Get all channels for a category

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
categoryName String Name of the category
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get all groups for a category

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
categoryName String Name of the category
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get all videos for a category

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
categoryName String Name of the category
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
filterEmbeddable Boolean Choose between only videos that are embeddable, and only videos that are not embeddable.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Subscribe a user to a category

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
categoryName String Name of the category
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Unsubscribe a user from a category

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
categoryName String Name of the category
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Add a video to a channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
channelId String Id of the channel


Check if a user follows a channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
channelId String Id of the channel
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Create new channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
name String Name of the channel
description String Description of the channel
privacy Select The privacy level of the new channel


Check if a user follows a channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
channelId String Id of the channel
name String Name of the channel
description String Description of the channel
privacy Select The privacy level of the new channel


Check if this channel contains a video.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
channelId String Id of the channel


Delete a video from a channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
channelId String Id of the channel


Get a channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
channelId String Id of the channel


Get all channels

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.


Get all channels a user is subscribed to

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.


Get all followers of a channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
channelId String Id of the channel
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.


Get all videos for a channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
channelId String Id of the channel
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
filterEmbeddable Boolean Choose between only videos that are embeddable, and only videos that are not embeddable.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Subscribe a user to a channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
channelId String Id of the channel
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Unsubscribe a user to a channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
channelId String Id of the channel
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Delete a channel

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
channelId String Id of the channel


Create new group

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
name String Name of the channel
description String Description of the channel


Add a video to a group

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
groupId String Id of the group


Get a group

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
groupId String If og the group


Check if this group contains a video.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
groupId String Id of the group


Get all videos for a group

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
groupId String Id of the group
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
filterEmbeddable Boolean Choose between only videos that are embeddable, and only videos that are not embeddable.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get all groups a user has joined

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
groupId String Id of the group
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get all members for a group

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Join a group

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
groupId String Id of the group
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Check if user has joined a group

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
groupId String Id of the group
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Leave a group

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
groupId String Id of the group
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Delete a video from a group

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
groupId String Id of the group


Delete a group

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
groupId String Id of the group


Get all groups

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.


Like a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Check if a user has liked a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all users who have liked this video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
videoId String Id of the video
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get all videos a user has liked

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
filterEmbeddable Boolean Choose between only videos that are embeddable, and only videos that are not embeddable.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get all users who liked videos in an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
ondemandId String Id of the video ondemand
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Unlike a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get a users’ portfolio

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
portfolioId String Id of the portfolio
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all users’ portfolios

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Add a tag to a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
tag String Tag to add


Add a tags to a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
tag JSON Tag to add


Check if a tag has been added to a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
tag String Tag to check


Delete a tag from a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
tag String Tag to delete


List a videos’ tags

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video


Get a tag

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
tag String Tag to get


Get all videos tagged with a specific word

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
tag String Tag to get
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Add a video to a users’ Watch Later queue

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Add a video to a users’ portfolio

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
portfolioId String Id of the portfolio
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Check if a user has a video in their Watch Later queue

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Check if a user is following another user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
followingUserId String Id of the user which is followed
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Complete a users’ streaming upload

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ticketId String Id of the ticket
signature String The crypto signature of the completed upload.
videoFileId String The ID of the uploaded file.
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Delete a users’ picture

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
pictureId String Id of the picture
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Delete a video from a users’ Watch Later queue

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Delete a video from a users’ portfolio

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
portfolioId String Id of the portfolio
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Check if a portfolio contains a video.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
portfolioId String Id of the portfolio
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Edit a user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
bio String The user’s bio
location String The user’s location
name String The user’s name
videosPrivacyAdd Boolean Sets the default add setting for all future videos uploaded by this user. If true, anyone can add the video to an album, channel, or group.
videosPrivacyComments Select Sets the default comment setting for all future videos uploaded by this user. It specifies who can comment on the video.
videosPrivacyDownload Boolean Sets the default download setting for all future videos uploaded by this user. If true, the video can be downloaded by any user
videosPrivacyEmbed Select Sets the default comment setting for all future videos uploaded by this user. It specifies who can comment on the video.
videosPrivacyView Select Sets the default comment setting for all future videos uploaded by this user. It specifies who can comment on the video.


Edit a user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
presetId String Id of the preset
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
outro Select Disable the outro. Currently we only support disabling outros, let us know if you need additional features!


Follow a list of users

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userUris JSON Ids of the users to follow
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get a user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all embed presets a user has created

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get a users’ upload ticket

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ticketId String Id of the ticket
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all users that a user is following

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.


Get all users that follow a user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get all videos a user appears in

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
filterEmbeddable Boolean Choose between only videos that are embeddable, and only videos that are not embeddable.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get all videos in a users’ Watch Later queue

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
filterEmbeddable Boolean Choose between only videos that are embeddable, and only videos that are not embeddable.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get all videos in a users’ feed

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
offset String This is necessary for proper pagination. Do not provide this value yourself, just use the pagination links provided in the feed response.


Get all videos with a users’ embed preset

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
presetId String Id of the preset
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get single embed preset

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
presetId String Id of the preset
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all videos within a users’ portfolio

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
portfolioId String Id of the portfolio
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
filterEmbeddable Boolean Choose between only videos that are embeddable, and only videos that are not embeddable.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.


Search for users

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Follow user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
followUser String Id of the user to follow
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Unfollow user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
followUser String Id of the user to unfollow
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Add a genre to an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
genreId String Id of the genre


Add a poster to an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
posterId String Id of the poster


Add a promotion to an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
accessType Select Promotion access type a purchase option that is not available on the container. “vip” promotions will always make the content free, and must be further defined with the download or streamPeriod fields.
promotionCode String Promotion code value
discountType Select Describes the type of discount offered by this promo code. Note: When providing an accesstype of “vip”, this field only accepts the “free” discounttype.
download Boolean Whether this promotion grants download access to vod content. This is only necessary when not defined on the On Demand Container, and creating promotions with the “vip” accesstype and “buy” producttype
endTime DatePicker The latest time this promotion is valid. If not specified, the promotion will never expire.
percentOff String The percentage saved by using this promo code. This field is required, and only applicable if the field discountType is set to percent.
productType Select Restricts the promotion to a particular type of transaction. Defaults to “any” when accessType is “default”, and to “rent” if the accessType is “vip”. Only “buy” and “rent” are valid if the accessType is “vip”.
startTime DatePicker The earliest time this promotion is valid. If startTime is not specified, it will default to the time the promotion was created.
streamPeriod Select The amount of time a user will have access to the vod content upon redeeming a promo code. This is only necessary when not defined on the On Demand Container, and creating promotions with the “vip” accesstype and “rent” producttype.
total String Number of promotions to generate if type is batch. The amount of uses for the promotion if type is single.
type Select Type of promotions to use. If the access type is vip, the only possible value for this field is batch.
label String If you are creating a batch promotion, you can describe it here. This field will be rejected for single promotions.


Add a region to an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
country String Region to add


Add a video to an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
videoId String Id of the video
buyPriceAUD String The purchase price of this video in AUD.
buyPriceCAD String The purchase price of this video in CAD.
buyPriceCHF String The purchase price of this video in CHF.
buyPriceDKK String The purchase price of this video in DKK.
buyPriceEUR String The purchase price of this video in EUR.
buyPriceGBP String The purchase price of this video in GBP.
buyPriceJPY String The purchase price of this video in JPY.
buyPriceKRW String The purchase price of this video in KRW.
buyPriceNOK String The purchase price of this video in NOK.
buyPricePLN String The purchase price of this video in PLN.
buyPriceSEK String The purchase price of this video in SEK.
buyPriceUSD String The purchase price of this video in USD.
position String The position this video will appear in this On Demand’s video collection.
releaseYear String The video release year.
rentPriceAUD String The rental price of this video in AUD.
rentPriceCAD String The rental price of this video in CAD.
rentPriceCHF String The rental price of this video in CHF.
rentPriceDKK String The rental price of this video in DKK.
rentPriceEUR String The rental price of this video in EUR.
rentPriceGBP String The rental price of this video in GBP.
rentPriceJPY String The rental price of this video in JPY.
rentPriceKRW String The rental price of this video in KRW.
rentPriceNOK String The rental price of this video in NOK.
rentPricePLN String The rental price of this video in PLN.
rentPriceSEK String The rental price of this video in SEK.
rentPriceUSD String The rental price of this video in USD.
type Select The type of video you are associating with the On Demand page.


Check if user have purchased an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Create a new background for an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
backgroundId String Id of the background


Create an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
acceptedCurrencies List Array of accepted currencies.
buyActive Boolean Required if is false.
buyDownload Boolean If download is available to purchasers who buy the film.
buyPriceAUD String The purchase price of this video in AUD.
buyPriceCAD String The purchase price of this video in CAD.
buyPriceCHF String The purchase price of this video in CHF.
buyPriceDKK String The purchase price of this video in DKK.
buyPriceEUR String The purchase price of this video in EUR.
buyPriceGBP String The purchase price of this video in GBP.
buyPriceJPY String The purchase price of this video in JPY.
buyPriceKRW String The purchase price of this video in KRW.
buyPriceNOK String The purchase price of this video in NOK.
buyPricePLN String The purchase price of this video in PLN.
buyPriceSEK String The purchase price of this video in SEK.
buyPriceUSD String The purchase price of this video in USD.
contentRating List Rating of the page
description String The On Demand page description.
domainLink String The On Demand page’s custom domain.
episodesBuyActive Boolean Whether episodes can be bought
episodesBuyDownload Boolean If download is available to purchasers who buy the episode.
episodesBuyPriceUSD String Required if is true.
episodesRentActive Boolean Whether episodes can be rented
episodesRentPeriod String Required if is true.
episodesRentPriceUSD String Required if is true. Only applicable if this On Demand page is a series. This is the default price for each individual episode.
link String The custom string to use in this On Demand page’s Vimeo URL.
name String The On Demand page name.
rentActive String Required if is false.
rentPeriod String Required if is true.
rentPriceAUD String The rental price of this video in AUD.
rentPriceCAD String The rental price of this video in CAD.
rentPriceCHF String The rental price of this video in CHF.
rentPriceDKK String The rental price of this video in DKK.
rentPriceEUR String The rental price of this video in EUR.
rentPriceGBP String The rental price of this video in GBP.
rentPriceJPY String The rental price of this video in JPY.
rentPriceKRW String The rental price of this video in KRW.
rentPriceNOK String The rental price of this video in NOK.
rentPricePLN String The rental price of this video in PLN.
rentPriceSEK String The rental price of this video in SEK.
rentPriceUSD String The rental price of this video in USD.
subscriptionMonthlyActive Boolean Required if and are false.
subscriptionMonthlyPriceUSD String Required if is true.
type Select The On Demand page type.


Delete a genre from an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
genreId String Id of the genre


Delete regions from an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
country List Regions to remove


Delete a region from an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
country String Region to remove


Delete a video from an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
videoId String Id of the video


Delete an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page


Delete a background from an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
backgroundId String Id of the background


Delete a promotion from an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
promotionId String Id of the promotion


Edit an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
link String The custom string to use in this On Demand page’s Vimeo URL.
preorderActive Boolean If set to true, you will enable pre-orders on the On Demand page.
preorderPublishTime Boolean Required if “” is true. The time that the On Demand page will be published.
publishActive Boolean If set to true, you will publish the On Demand page.
publishWhenReady Boolean This On Demand page will be automatically published when all videos are finished transcoding.


Edit an On Demand pages’ background

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
backgroundId String Id of the background


Edit an On Demand pages’ poster

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
posterId String Id of the poster
active Boolean Set this picture as the active picture.


Get a season of an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
seasonId String Id of the season


Get a users’ On Demand pages

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
sort Select The default sort order of an album’s videos.


Check if an On Demand page contains a video.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
videoId String Id of the video


Get all On Demand genres

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo


Get all On Demand pages within a genre

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
genreId String Id of the genre
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.


Get all On Demand regions

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo


Get all codes for an On Demand pages’ promotion

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
promotionId String Id of the promotion
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.


Get all posters for an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page


Get all videos in a season of an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
seasonId String Id of the season
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.


Get all videos in an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.


Get an On Demand genre

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
genreId String Id of the genre


Get an On Demand single page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page


Get an On Demand page background

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
backgroundId String Id of the background


Get an On Demand page in a genre

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
genreId String Id of the genre
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page


Get an On Demand pages’ backgrounds

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page


Check whether an On Demand page has a genre.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
genreId String Id of the genre


Get an On Demand pages’ poster

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
posterId String Id of the poster


Get an On Demand pages’ promotion

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
promotionId String Id of the promotion


Get an On Demand pages’ region

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
country String Region to add


Get an On Demand region

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
country String Region to add


Get genres of an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page


Get regions of an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page


Get seasons in an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get users’ On Demand purchases and rentals

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.


Add a region to an On Demand page

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
ondemandId String Id of the ondemand page
countryList List Regions to remove


Add a comment to a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
text String Text of the comment
videoId String Id of the video


Add a credit to a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
email String The email address of the person being credited.
name String The name address of the person being credited.
role String The role address of the person being credited.
userUri String The userUri address of the person being credited.
videoId String Id of the video


Add a reply to comment to a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
text String Text of the comment
videoId String Id of the video
commentId String Id of the comment


Add a text track to a video.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
language String Text track language
name String Text track name
type Select Text track type
active Boolean Text tracks marked active will be visible to other users, and will show up in the player. Only one text track per language can be active.


Allow a list of users to view a private video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userUris JSON An array of either user URI’s or user IDs.
videoId String Id of the video


Allow a single user to view a private video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user
videoId String Id of the video


Allow embedding of a video on a domain

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
domain String Domain to allow embedding
videoId String Id of the video


Assign an embed preset to a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
presetId String Id of the preset
videoId String Id of the video


Check if a user owns a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Check if a user owns a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
active Boolean Make this picture the default picture if you have created a picture response from video at given time offset.
time String If set will create a picture resource from video at given time offset.


Delete a comment from a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
commentId String Id of the comment


Delete a credit from a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
creditId String Id of the credit


Delete a users’ entire watch history

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo


Delete a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video


Delete a video from your watch history

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video


Delete a text track from a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
texttrackId String Id of the text track


Delete a thumbnail for video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
pictureId String Id of the thumbnail


Disallow a single user to view a private video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user
videoId String Id of the video


Disallow embedding of a video on a domain

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
domain String Domain to disallow embedding
videoId String Id of the video


Edit a comment on a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
text String Text of the comment
videoId String Id of the video
commentId String Id of the comment


Edit a credit on a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
text String Text of the comment
videoId String Id of the video
creditId String Id of the credit
email String The email address of the person being credited.
name String The name address of the person being credited.
role String The role address of the person being credited.


Edit a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
contentRating List Rating of the video
description String The video description.
embedButtonsEmbed Boolean Show or hide the embed button.
embedButtonsFullscreen Boolean Show or hide the fullscreen button.
embedButtonsHd Boolean Show or hide the HD button.
embedButtonsLike Boolean Show or hide the like button.
embedButtonsScaling Boolean Show or hide the scaling button (shown only in fullscreen mode).
embedButtonsShare Boolean Show or hide the share button.
embedButtonsWatchlater Boolean Show or hide the watch later button.
embedColor String A primary color used by the embed player.
embedLogosCustomActive Boolean Show or hide your custom logo.
embedLogosCustomLink String A url that your user will navigate to if they click your custom logo.
embedLogosCustomSticky Boolean Always show the custom logo, or hide it after time with the rest of the UI.
embedLogosVimeo Boolean Show or hide the vimeo logo.
embedPlaybar Boolean Show or hide the playbar.
embedTitleName Select Show, hide, or let the user decide if the video title shows on the video
embedTitleOwner Select Show, hide, or let the user decide if the owners information shows on the video.
embedTitlePortrait Select Show, hide, or let the user decide if the owners portrait shows on the video.
embedVolume Boolean Show or hide the volume selector.
externalLinksImdb String External data from imdb
externalLinksRottenTomatoes String External data from rotten tomatoes
license Select Set the Creative Commons license
locale String Set the default language for this video. For a full list of valid languages use the “/languages?filter=texttracks” endpoint.
name String The new title for the video
password String When you set privacy.view to password, you must provide the password as an additional parameter.
privacyAdd Boolean Enable or disable the ability for anyone to add the video to an album, channel, or group.
privacyComments Select The privacy for who can comment on the video.
privacyDownload Boolean Enable or disable the ability for anyone to download video.
privacyEmbed Select The videos new embed settings. Whitelist allows you to define all valid embed domains. Check out our docs for adding and removing domains.
privacyView Select The new privacy setting for the video. Content-type application/json is the only valid type for type “users”, basic users can not set privacy to unlisted.
ratingsMpaaRating Select Set MPAA rating for a video.
ratingsMpaaReason Select Set MPAA rating reason for a video.
ratingTvRating Select Set TV rating for a video.
ratingTvReason Select Set TV rating reason for a video.
reviewLink Boolean Enable or disable the review page.
spatialDirectorTimeline JSON 360 director timeline. The arrays in this should include a “time_code”, “pitch”, “yaw”, and optionally “roll”. For pitch, the minimum allowed is -90, and the max of 90. For yaw, the minimum is 0, and a maximum of 360.
spatialFieldOfView Number 360 field of view. Default 50, min 30, max 90.
spatialProjection Select 360 spatial projection.
spatialStereoFormat Select 360 spatial stereo format.


Edit a video text track

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
texttrackId String Id of the text track
language String Text track language
name String Text track name
type Select Text track type
active Boolean Text tracks marked active will be visible to other users, and will show up in the player. Only one text track per language can be active.


Edit a thumbnail for video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
pictureId String Id of the thumbnail
active Boolean Make this picture the default picture.


Get a comment from a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
commentId String Id of the comment


Get a credit from a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
creditId String Id of the credit


Get a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video


Get a text track from a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
texttrackId String Id of the text track


Get a thumbnail for video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
pictureId String Id of the thumbnail


Get all comments on a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Get all domains a video can be embedded on

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video


Check if a video has a specific embed preset.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
presetId String Id of the preset


Get all replies to a comment on a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
commentId String Id of the comment
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.


Get all the text tracks for a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video


Get all the thumbnails for a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video


Get all users credited in a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.


Get all users that can view a private video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video


Get all videos a user has watched

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)


Get all videos uploaded by a user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
filterEmbeddable Boolean Choose between only videos that are embeddable, and only videos that are not embeddable.
filterPlayable Boolean Default true. Choose between only videos that are playable, and only videos that are not playable.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.
weakSearch Boolean This forces the query parameter to use a separate search service that includes private videos. It will only perform a partial text search on the video’s name. In the future the standard search will include private videos, and this parameter won’t be necessary.


Get an upload ticket to replace this video file.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
link String If your upload type is pull, Vimeo will download the video hosted at this public URL. This URL must be valid for at least 24 hours.
redirectUri String The app redirect URL. Required for POST upload types.
type Select Filter to apply to the results.


Search for videos

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
direction Select The direction that the results are sorted.
filter Select Filter to apply to the results.
filterEmbeddable Boolean Choose between only videos that are embeddable, and only videos that are not embeddable.
filterPlayable Boolean Default true. Choose between only videos that are playable, and only videos that are not playable.
sort Select Technique used to sort the results.
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
query String Search query.


Begin the video upload process.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
userId String Id of the user to act on behalf of (default = me)
link String If your upload type is pull, Vimeo will download the video hosted at this public URL. This URL must be valid for at least 24 hours.
redirectUri String The app redirect URL. Required for POST upload types.
type Select Filter to apply to the results.


View related videos to a video

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token received from Vimeo
videoId String Id of the video
page Number The page number to show.
perPage Number Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.
팔로워: 5
제품 웹사이트
API 생성자 :
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
Rate API에 로그인
등급: 5 - 투표: 1