Tank01 MLB Live In-Game Real Time Statistics

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분류별 tank01 | 업데이트됨 8일 전 | Sports

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getMLBBettingOdds Not Returning Pregame odds

Rapid account: Wnormand
2달 전

Hi - I noticed that the getMLBBettingOdds endpoint is not returning pregame odds. It doesn’t return anything until game start time. This seems to contradict the explanation of how the endpoint works and is causing problems because my script attempts to collect the odds pregame. For example if I call using today’s date as the game date parameter I get a 200 response with no games. Help please?

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented 2달 전

Also I want to comment on this incorrect statement: “It doesn’t return anything until game start time.”. That isn’t true.

The odds are always updated every morning for “today”. We don’t wait until game start time. That’s never been a process of ours.

We get system alerts, which we’ve created ourselves, when odds are not populated at the start of the day, like we did today, and then we fix the issue.

Odds are always populated well before game time. That has never been an issue for us.

Rapid account: Tank 01
tank01 Commented 2달 전

Hi, I apologize for the inconvenience, as the script ran a little later than normal today. The odds populated approx a half hour after this post.

The script to start collecting odds for each day normally starts at 6am Eastern.

The status code will always return 200 if you were able to connect to our server and search the DB.

For error handling, you can simply look for an empty map, or check for an “error” element. When the results for a certain query are empty, then you’ll get an “error” element on the same level as the “body”.

I’ll see what i can do to make sure the odds don’t run late again.

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