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Missing imdbid for some results

Rapid account: Jdeboysere
לפני שנתיים


Do you know why some results returned by the feature “New Release Per Country” don’t return the imdbid value ?

I don’t get it because the movie does exist on Netflix ( and Imdb

Parameters used:

Example returned:

  "netflixid": "81568624",
  "title": "11M: Terror in Madrid",
  "image": "",
  "synopsis": "Survivors and insiders recount March 11, 2004's terrorist attack on Madrid, including the political crisis it ignited and the hunt for the perpetrators. New on 2022-02-24",
  "rating": "",
  "type": "movie",
  "released": "2022",
  "runtime": "1h32m",
  "largeimage": "",
  "unogsdate": "2022-02-24",
  "imdbid": "",
  "download": "0"
Rapid account: Baspey
baspey Commented לפני שנתיים

Hopefully you won’t have to. Keep up the great work!

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented לפני שנתיים

These are known issues which we endeavor to stay on top of… That being said, due to copyright restrictions we may be removing this feature all together…

Rapid account: Baspey
baspey Commented לפני שנתיים

Unogs is a great API in many ways, I do love it, but when it comes to linking to the IMDb, it’s pretty bad. Don’t rely on their associations, many are missing or are plain wrong.

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